Nine dolphins dancing. Wet greenware dolphins and greenware tiles are combined to form a sculpture showing the dolphins leaping from an ocean wave. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Feb 1990 (v.35#6) pg. 111
Humpback greenware whale is painted by airbrushing with various glazes and underglazes. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Feb 1990 (v.35#6) pg. 143
On a tropic reef. Construct a sculpture of majestic angel fish drifting by a fan coral using ceramic modeling clay. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Aug 1990 (v.35#12) pg. 31
Towel holder is an elaborate ceramic piece representing a mermaid against a background of sand and seashells which has been mounted on a wall. Painted with underglaze and overglaze. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Jan 1994 (v.39#5) pg. 71
Whimsical ceramic fish are painted with underglaze. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Apr 1994 (v.39#8) pg. 109
Ceramic tropical fish can be finished in your choice of underglaze colors. CERAMIC ARTS & CRAFTS Oct 1994 (v.40#2) pg. 109
Tropical fish. Porcelain greenware fish are painted in bright colors, mounted on stiff wire, and displayed "swimming" above a coral reef. CERAMICS Sep 1990 (v.26#1) pg. 44
Fun with sea creatures. Porcelain arrangement of sea life is made by casting driftwood, sea fan, clam, etc. and attaching to a natural sea sponge. CERAMICS Sep 1990 (v.26#1) pg. 48
Greenware fur seal is finished in white and blue (or gold) non-firing stains. CERAMICS Oct 1990 (v.27#2) pg. 14
Rose and turquoise fish. Art glaze (rutile glaze) technique is used to create "floats" which result in unique patterns. CERAMICS Oct 1990 (v.27#2) pg. 42
Realistic ceramic model of an adult manatee with a baby. Painted with nonfiring stains. CERAMICS May 1994 (v.30#9) pg. 30
Ceramic representation of a rainbow trout leaping for an insect. Painted with overglaze lusters. CERAMICS May 1994 (v.30#9) pg. 66
Realistic ceramic figurine of a humpback whale and her baby is painted with nonfiring stains using airbrushing. CERAMICS Sep 1994 (v.31#1) pg. 14
Walrus fisherman. Greenware figures of a walrus and two seals are shown "fishing" in a wooden bucket. Painted with various stains. POPULAR CERAMICS #494 Sep 1990 (v.41#2) pg. 34
Playful dolphins ceramic figures are finished in white porcelain or china painted. POPULAR CERAMICS #534 Feb 1994 (v.44#7) pg. 35
Ceramic tropical fish figures (in the form of a platter, pitcher, teapot, bowl) are painted using airbrushing. POPULAR CERAMICS #537 May 1994 (v.44#10) pg. 34
Tips on glazing ceramic planters or candle holders in the shape of "koi" fish. POPULAR CERAMICS #538 Jun 1994 (v.44#11) pg. 32
Painting tips for a humpback whale ceramic figurine. POPULAR CERAMICS #538 Jun 1994 (v.44#11) pg. 58
Sea stacks. Tips on finishing ceramic stacks of whales, seals, and dolphins. POPULAR CERAMICS #541 Sep 1994 (v.45#2) pg. 32
Manatees. Make a ceramic diorama showing two manatees (sea cows) feeding on aquatic grass. POPULAR CERAMICS #542 Oct 1994 (v.45#3) pg. 38