Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #93 Mar-Apr 1992 pg. 4
Preparing a scraper. How to flatten, hone and burnish the cutting edge of a cabinet scraper. Advice on burnisher selection and maintenance also included.
FINE WOODWORKING #114 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 53
Burnishing (sharpening) a cabinet scraper.
FINE WOODWORKING #135 Mar-Apr 1999 pg. 96
The scraper. Advice on sharpening and using.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #70 Jan 1993 (v.12#4) pg. 12
The perfect flattop. How to get glued up slabs stunningly smooth. Covers planning, layout, edge preparation, dry-run clamping, glue-up, and leveling with a cabinet scraper and belt sander. Includes technique for sharpening a cabinet scraper.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #96 May 1997 (v.17#2) pg. 60
Hand scraper (cabinet scraper) sharpening and use.
WOOD MAGAZINE #130 Feb 2001 (v.18#1) pg. 76
The cutting edge, a series on tool sharpening. Part 2. How to tackle bent gouges, skews, and scrapers.
WOODCARVING #22 Dec 1995 pg. 30
Tip shows how to grind down old Stanley knife blades to create scrapers.
WOODCARVING #37 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 65
Use a old automobile engine valve as a burnisher for cabinet scrapers.
WOODSMITH #67 Feb 1990 pg. 5
Jig for flattening the edge of a cabinet scraper with a file without rounding over the corner.
WOODSMITH #88 Aug 1993 (v.15) pg. 4
Scraping the edge. Various techniques for sharpening the cabinet scraper are explained.
WOODWORKER Jun 1990 (v.94#6) pg. 600
Two devices to accurately burnish (sharpen) a cabinet scraper.
WOODWORKER May 1992 (v.96#5) pg. 99
An economical grinding system utilizes grinding wheels and the simple jigs and accessories shown here. Use for grinding plane irons, chisels, scrapers, spokeshaves and gouges.
WOODWORKER Jun 1995 (v.99#6) pg. 62
Use the back of a bevel-edged chisel to burnish a hand scraper.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1994 (v.18#2) pg. 10
Tip shows use of magnetic jig to hold a scraper for resharpening.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1996 (v.20#5) pg. 7
Simple jig and technique for burnishing a cabinet scraper.
WOODWORKING TODAY #33 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 13