Field test of ten (10) nebula filters. A look at how they work, how they compare, and which ones are best suited for astronomical use.
ASTRONOMY Feb 1991 (v.19#2) pg. 74
Three handy observing aids you can make. (1) A red LED flashlight. (2) Sunfinder for centering the Sun in a filtered telescope or camera viewfinder. (3) Variable (polarized) Moon filter.
ASTRONOMY Mar 1993 (v.21#3) pg. 60
Added Info ASTRONOMY Jun 1993 (v.21#6) pg. 12 (LED flashlight)
The secrets of Orion's great nebula. Using filters to help you see the most you can.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1995 (v.23#12) pg. 78
Filtering the sky. Learn how to use color filters to bring out subtle details when you view planets.
ASTRONOMY Aug 2003 (v.31#8) pg. 86
A survey of ten light pollution reduction filters (nebular filters) currently offered by manufacturers.
DEEP SKY #32 Autumn 1990 (v.8#4) pg. 18
Added Info DEEP SKY #34 Spring 1991 (v.9#2) pg. 10
Nebula filters for light-polluted skies. A user test of the three basic types (broadband, narrowband, and line filters).
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1995 (v.90#1) pg. 38
Tip on placing a dark cloth over the observer's head and eyepiece when using a nebula filter.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1996 (v.91#1) pg. 8
Tip on installing filters inside your Newtonian telescope tube (between the diagonal and eyepiece). A simple sliding rack lets you change filters quickly.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1996 (v.92#5) pg. 86