Tob-Sled, a toboggan with runners. Made from plywood and thin-wall conduit. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1966 (v.125#2) pg. 163
Build this 6-ft.-long wooden toboggan from ash. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1987 (v.164#12) pg. 86
Old time toboggan. Combine ash runners and slats along with simple steam bending techniques to make a wooden toboggan. POPULAR WOODWORKING #63 Nov 1991 (v.11#3) pg. 58, Insert
How we made a winged toboggan. Reprint of a 1926 article in Popular Science Monthly showing how to add muslin "wings" to a toboggan to increase the thrills in the sport of coasting. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Jun 1990 (v.18#6) pg. 16
Bentwood toboggan over 6-ft. long is built-up (laminated) from 1/16" thick ash strips. WOOD MAGAZINE #46 Oct 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 66