Marine fabric care. Advice on cleaning and protecting acrylic, canvas, Dacron, polyester, vinyl and upholstery fabrics found on a boat. BOAT JOURNAL #73 Jun-Jul 1990 pg. 58
Textile treasures. Proper care for linen and lace. Includes tips on removing 13 types of stains. CREATIVE IDEAS FOR LIVING Jan-Feb 1990 (v.21#1) pg. 26
Tip on using a solution of sodium perborate to remove coffee and tea stains from textiles. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1994 (v.22#6) pg. 66
Tip on removing dried blood stains from fabric. THREADS #37 Oct-Nov 1991 pg. 24
Tip on how to remove needle-prick bloodstains from a garment-in-progress. THREADS #41 Jun-Jul 1992 pg. 20
The basics on pretreating a fabric before sewing with it. THREADS #61 Oct-Nov 1995 pg. 16
How to get a drop or two of blood out of fabric. THREADS #64 Apr-May 1996 pg. 16
Tip on how to remove stubborn pencil lines from washable fabric. THREADS #76 Apr-May 1998 pg. 18