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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Tip describes how to foil woodchucks that spring the mechanism in a Havahart trap without being completely inside the cage.
FINE GARDENING #22 Nov-Dec 1991 pg. 8

Tip on staking out territory around a garden with urine to keep woodchucks at bay.
FINE GARDENING #27 Sep-Oct 1992 pg. 6

How to keep woodchucks out of your garden.
FLOWER & GARDEN May 1979 (v.23#5) pg. 9

Tips on keeping groundhogs out of gardens.
HORTICULTURE Feb 1992 (v.70#2) pg. 12
Added Info HORTICULTURE Apr 1992 (v.70#4) pg. 10

How to deal with groundhogs. Includes tips on eating freshly killed woodchuck.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #57 May-Jun 1979 pg. 146

Tip on controlling groundhogs with castor bean plants.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #125 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 12

Tips on how to keep raccoons and groundhogs out of a garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1980 (v.27#6) pg. 12

Tip suggests used cat litter as a way to get woodchucks to move.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1991 (v.38#7) pg. 76

Tip describes how to create a trench barrier outside the perimeter of a garden fence to keep woodchucks out of a vegetable garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1992 (v.39#5) pg. 82

Tip recommends using an electric bug zapper to keep deer, raccoons and woodchucks out of the garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1993 (v.40#1) pg. 7