Coil, capacitor and battery form a simple radio wave transmitter.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1963 (v.6#3) pg. 35
Build your own legal and license-free broadcast station. Transmitter input is under 100 milliwatts and the antenna length is under 10 ft.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1969 (v.12#4) pg. 25
Simple circuit to generate short-range AM (amplitude modulation) radio waves uses a 4049 hex inverter and a 1-MHz microprocessor crystal. Emits harmonics at all whole-number multiples of 1-MHz up to at least 10 MHz.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1995 (v.66#6) pg. 29
Low-power AM transmitter. Build a device that features a crystal-controlled phase-locked loop for frequency stability and carrier frequency selection (in 1-kilohertz steps between 100 kHz and 2000 kHz). Est. cost: $79 (kit).
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1998 (v.69#6) pg. 39
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1998 (v.69#8) pg. 6
Keep in touch with incoming signals on your CB and VHF/UHF rig by rebroadcasting them to small portable radios at strategic locations. Use this low power AM transmitter to broadcast on an unused AM frequency.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1973 (v.13#5) pg. 72
Low-power broadcast-band transmitter circuits. Typical circuits plus a review of the legal requirements for such devices.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1987 (v.4#4) pg. 68
Broadcast the weather. A simple circuit that rebroadcasts U.S. Government weather forecasts (received on vhf FM channels) for reception on an ordinary AM broadcast-band radio.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1988 (v.5#7) pg. 36
How AM radio transmission works and a mini-power AM transmitter you can build and use for experimenting.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1991 (v.8#3) pg. 38
Poor-man's transmitter that demonstrates the basic principles of amplitude modulation.
Build this license-free AM transmitter that puts out five watts onto a 117-volt electrical system line which it uses as the antenna.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1973 (v.3#6) pg. 34
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1973 (v.4#4) pg. 111
Circuits for a wireless microphone for both AM and FM broadcast band.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1980 (v.18#1) pg. 83
Build a 1930's style single-tube AM radio transmitter. Est. cost: $20 (kit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1991 (v.8#11) pg. 57
Build the poor-man's transmitter, a simple, inexpensive transmitter that demonstrates the basic principles of amplitude modulation.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 43
Circuit for a wireless-broadcaster amplifier features four vacuum tubes and can be used to broadcast through a standard AM-band radio. It also doubles as a stand-alone preamplifier/amplifier.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1998 (v.15#11) pg. 58
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1999 (v.16#3) pg. 54 (Modified circuit)
Wireless AM microphone powered by 9-volt battery.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1981 (v.52#12) pg. 52
Circuit for an AM transmitter that operates on 117-VAC with a range under 1000 ft. and a power input less than 100-milliwatt.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Oct-Nov 1968 (v.25#2) pg. 22
Short-range AM transmitter for practicing Morse code transmitting. Est. cost: $4.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Feb-Mar 1969 (v.26#1) pg. 46
Short-range AM transmitter does not require a license. Est. cost: $4.
SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1970-Jan 1971 (v.28#6) pg. 53
Miniature telemetry transmitter. Circuit for an ultra-small radio transmitter which can send temperature and other signals to a nearby AM radio. Data is transmitted as a string of clicks. The more clicks in a 15-second period, the higher the reading.
SCIENCE PROBE! Jan 1992 (v.2#1) pg. 103