Added Info LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1990 (v.12#4) pg. 4
Pros and cons of oversize grinding (regrinding) cylinders during the process of overhauling an aircraft engine.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1990 (v.12#1) pg. 23
Advice on determining the amount of valve and cylinder work (top overhaul work) required between engine overhauls. Symptoms affecting a Lycoming IO-360-C1C and a Continental IO-520-F engine are described.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 17, 18
Advice on overhauling the low-volume Continental IO-470-D engine.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 19
Advice when considering having a small Lycoming engine "field-majored".
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1990 (v.12#6) pg. 18
Final results of a survey on engine overhaul shops. Includes a buyer's checklist for getting the most overhaul for the money.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1990 (v.12#7) pg. 9
Advice on avoiding problems when giving a top overhaul to a Continental O-470-R engine.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1990 (v.12#8) pg. 18
Major overhaul tips for a 1974 Lycoming O-360-A1F6D engine with 2,880 hours total time.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1990 (v.12#11) pg. 21
Advice on inspecting pistons to determine if they are reusable.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1991 (v.13#1) pg. 23
Reasons for elimination of cotter pins on Continental con rod cap bolts.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1991 (v.13#2) pg. 18
How to ream Lycoming valve guides without removing the cylinder from the engine.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1992 (v.14#4) pg. 13
Overhauling ins and outs. Advice on when to overhaul an engine and selecting the type of overhaul (zero-time, reman, rebuild, ...). Part 1.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1993 (v.15#1) pg. 9
Overhauling ins and outs. Advice on when to overhaul an engine and selecting the type of overhaul (zero-time, reman, rebuild, ...). Part 2.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1993 (v.15#2) pg. 9
The great warranty battle. Understanding how to deal with warranty issues following an engine overhaul.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1993 (v.15#2) pg. 12
Pros and cons of chrome cylinders. Includes tips on inspecting freshly chromed cylinders.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1993 (v.15#2) pg. 22
TBO busting the smart way. Advice on laying the proper foundation and taking proper precautions before, during, and after reaching recommended TBO.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1993 (v.15#8) pg. 18
The do-it-yourself top overhaul. With proper supervision and assistance you can tackle your own top overhaul.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1993 (v.15#12) pg. 16
Overhaul recommendations for a 1,987-hour Lycoming O-360 in a 1972 Cessna Cardinal.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1994 (v.16#7) pg. 25
General advice on overhauling a Lycoming IO-360 on a Mooney.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1994 (v.16#8) pg. 26
Top overhauls. A look at the procedure, cost and benefit.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1994 (v.16#9) pg. 19
The basement overhaul. Part 1. Opening a Lycoming IO-360 engine to examine the accessory-drive gear at the back of the crankshaft after a prop strike.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1994 (v.16#10) pg. 6
The basement overhaul. Part 2. Reassembly.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Nov 1994 (v.16#11) pg. 7
Pulling your engine. Save a bundle and learn about some interesting engineering by removing your engine yourself at overhaul time.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1995 (v.17#2) pg. 5
Overhaul errors. An overview of what can go wrong during an engine overhaul, plus advice on avoiding mistakes and troubleshooting problems.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1996 (v.18#1) pg. 10
No such thing as a bolt-on jug. Advice and checklist of what to look for when installing a cylinder.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1996 (v.18#2) pg. 16
Removal and installation of Lycoming's crankshaft expansion plug (freeze plug).
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1999 (v.21#9) pg. 14
Tip on using pipe insulation to keep connecting rods from banging on the crankcase when cylinders are removed.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1999 (v.21#10) pg. 4
Jig for removing piston pins with no damage to the piston and no strain on the connecting rod.
SPORT AVIATION Jan 1997 (v.46#1) pg. 115