Astilbes. Growing these perennials with feathery flowers and ferny foliage. An ideal plant for moist soils.
FINE GARDENING #12 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 68
The versatile astilbe. Plant them as drifts, backdrops or edgings. Includes instruction on dividing mature roots.
FINE GARDENING #38 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 29
An explanation of why astilbes stop blooming.
FINE GARDENING #56 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 16
Added Info FINE GARDENING #58 Nov-Dec 1997 pg. 6
A look at astilbe.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1980 (v.24#6) pg. 23
Tip suggests planting astilbes around downspouts.
GARDEN GATE #8 Apr 1996 pg. 4
How to divide astilbes.
GARDEN GATE #11 Oct 1996 pg. 38
Astilbe. Recommendations on varieties and a landscaping plan that mixes astilbes with a few hostas. A guide to care, culture and division.
GARDEN GATE #16 Aug 1997 pg. 18
Astilbes, a sampler.
HORTICULTURE Jun-Jul 1997 (v.94#6) pg. 58
How to grow astilbe from seed.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1994 (v.41#2) pg. 21