Take back control of your telephone. Know who's calling you before you pick up the phone with this easy-to-build Caller-ID circuit.
ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1994 (v.65#2) pg. 33
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1994 (v.65#7) pg. 67 (Add name display circuitry)
Dual-application telephone security system. Provides both automatic screening of incoming calls (only those with the special code will be allowed through) and remote control of electrically operated devices. Part 1.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 14
Build the call blocker. Use this circuit and the telephone company's "Caller ID" service to spare yourself from unwanted calls. Prevents your phone from ringing unless the calling number matches one of the 62 telephone numbers in the memory of this device. Other callers can be routed to an answering machine.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 31
Build a caller-ID computer interface. Use it with your computer to keep track of who's been calling. Est. cost: $25 (kit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1996 (v.13#8) pg. 45
Caller ID announce system. An inexpensive way to provide whole-house announcements of callers through the speakers of your existing telephones.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION Jul 1999 (v.4#3) pg. 65
Telephone call screening system. Interrogates all callers for a special three-digit access code. Those having the code get a special ringer pattern. Those without the code can be rejected or given the normal ringer pattern. Est. cost: $158. Part 1.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1990 (v.61#11) pg. 49
Telephone call screening system. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1990 (v.61#12) pg. 48