Viburnums. A guide to varieties according to size and hardiness. Tips on planting and care. FINE GARDENING #26 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 65
The attributes of Viburnum x burkwoodii 'Mowhawk' noted. FINE GARDENING #53 Jan-Feb 1997 pg. 14
Advice on increasing the production of berries on a judd viburnum. GARDEN GATE #10 Aug 1996 pg. 38
Viburnums. General information about recommended varieties. Includes information on forcing viburnum branches to bloom indoors. HORTICULTURE Jan 1994 (v.72#1) pg. 63
Advice on resolving a problem with two varieties of viburnum that have splits in the bark from rapid freezing. HORTICULTURE Mar 1994 (v.72#3) pg. 12
Versatile viburnums. A look at the diversity of the genus. HORTICULTURE Nov 1997 (v.94#9) pg. 54
Showballs in summer. A guide to shrubs with white snowball blooms, common ornamentals in the Victorian landscape. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1997 (v.25#4) pg. 26