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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   LATCH
xx   LOCK

Shop-built spring-loaded pins will lock a door, drawer, panel, etc. whenever another door, drawer, or panel is closed.
FINE WOODWORKING #81 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 16

Keeping cabinet doors closed. Picking a catch that is in keeping with the period, style, and function of the cabinet.
FINE WOODWORKING #114 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 85

Installing a half-mortise lock in the back surface of furniture doors or drawers.
FINE WOODWORKING #115 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 88

Tip on installing a magnetic door catch.
SHOPNOTES #25 Jan 1996 (v.5) pg. 14

Installing barrel-type magnetic catches.
WOODSMITH #89 Oct 1993 (v.15) pg. 15

Installing bullet catches on furniture doors.
WOODSMITH #102 Dec 1995 (v.17) pg. 28

Tip shows quick way to align magnetic catches.
WOODSMITH #104 Apr 1996 (v.18) pg. 5

Tip suggests a rubber O-ring as a spacer behind a magnetic catch strike plate.
WOODSMITH #106 Aug 1996 (v.18) pg. 19

How to install ball catches for cabinet doors.
WOODSMITH #113 Oct 1997 (v.19) pg. 25

Tip on installing an adjustable rub block to keep cabinet doors closed even as they swell or shrink with seasonal changes.
WOODWORK #41 Oct 1996 pg. 10

Keyless lock. A spring-loaded dowel attached to a sliding knob is used to latch a cabinet door.
WOODWORKER May 1990 (v.94#5) pg. 492

Tip on correctly aligning cupboard catches using cutoff sharpened screws to mark the location.
WOODWORKER Apr 1991 (v.95#4) pg. 398