Correction FINE GARDENING #38 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 4
Cold-weather annuals. Tips on raising colorful swiss chard, ornamental cabbage, cardoon, datura (angel's trumpet), canna lilies, and canary creeper.
FINE GARDENING #45 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 58
A guide to architectural annuals with bold foliage and exotic flowers that anchor a garden.
FINE GARDENING #61 May-Jun 1998 pg. 42
Annuals that pep up perennial borders.
FINE GARDENING #62 Jul-Aug 1998 pg. 24
Tip recommends using scraggly annuals as perennial bed filler.
FINE GARDENING #63 Sep-Oct 1998 pg. 10
Five-spot (Nemophila maculata), a cool-season annual. Its characteristics and culture.
FINE GARDENING #70 Nov-Dec 1999 pg. 20
Sowing hardy annuals in the fall. A list of 16 hardy annuals, including several that self-sow.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1991 (v.35#4) pg. 18
A guide to frost-tolerant annual flowers and vegetables to make the most of a short growing season.
FLOWER & GARDEN Dec 1992-Jan 1993 (v.36#6) pg. 43
Eight sure-fire annual flowers that are both easy-care and long-blooming.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1993 (v.37#1) pg. 30
Blooming up a (winter) storm. How to bring annuals inside for windowsill blooms all winter. Tips on digging up plants and taking stem cuttings.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1996 (v.40#5) pg. 42
Welcome back annuals. Selecting and caring for annuals in the proper perennial garden.
GARDEN GATE #3 Jun-Jul 1995 pg. 19
Tip describes a way to interplant annuals with groundcovers.
GARDEN GATE #22 Aug 1998 pg. 5
Advice on flowering annuals that are suited for shade.
GARDEN GATE #25 Feb 1999 pg. 38
Tip recommends planting colorful annuals directly in a slip bag of potting soil to add spot color in the garden.
GARDEN GATE #26 Apr 1999 pg. 5
Not fade away. Advice on selecting, raising, and harvesting everlasting annuals (everlastings or immortelles).
HARROWSMITH #95 Jan-Feb 1991 (v.15#5) pg. 56
Annual additions. A guide to easy-to-grow annuals that bloom profusely and will enhance a perennial border.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1991 (v.69#3) pg. 12
Annual options in the mixed border. How to use them as edging, fillers, and to provide texture and structure.
HORTICULTURE Jun-Jul 1991 (v.69#6) pg. 40
Correction HORTICULTURE Oct 1991 (v.69#8) pg. 7
Annuals that are grown for their foliage. Varieties recommended and tips on how to incorporate them into the garden.
HORTICULTURE May 1992 (v.70#5) pg. 30
Colorful complements. A look at annuals that fit well in the perennial border.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1996 (v.74#3) pg. 32
Home sown. Raising annuals from seed opens the world to a wider range of flowers.
HORTICULTURE May 1997 (v.94#5) pg. 54
Planning and planting a backyard garden of annual flowers.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #142 Feb-Mar 1994 pg. 32
Starting annual flowers from seeds.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1990 (v.37#1) pg. 66
A white border. Design for planting a white annual garden.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1990 (v.37#2) pg. 33
Fall into spring flowers. How to plant seeds from annual flowers in the fall for spring blooms. Also describes overwintering seedlings in cold frames.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1992 (v.39#7) pg. 56
Grow your own bedding plants. Ten flowers to grow from seed (marigolds, cosmos, zinnias, celosia, gomphrena, petunias, impatiens, vinca, melampodium and wax begonias).
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1997 (v.44#2) pg. 59
Some flowers do all the work for you. Selecting and promoting self-sowing annuals and perennials.
SUNSET Aug 1990 (v.185#2) pg. 136
How to be a really smart nursery shopper for both annuals and perennials.
SUNSET Apr 1994 (v.192#4) pg. 73
Sowing a classic look. Old-fashioned annual flowers to grow from seed (corn cockle, godetia, larkspur, love-in-a-mist, Shirley poppy, stocks and sweet pea).
SUNSET Sep 1994 (v.193#3) pg. 56
Glorious godetias. Choice annuals to grow from seeds.
SUNSET Nov 1995 (v.195#5) pg. 56
Flower discoveries. Eleven annuals to grow from seeds.
SUNSET Oct 1996 (v.197#4) pg. 65