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Chop saw (miter saw) station. Building a work station around a miter saw to make it more versatile. Outfeed tables support stock on each side of the saw. Wooden fences with tape measures have stop blocks and keep long work pieces square to the blade. Base cabinet has three drawers and a cupboard for blades and other tools.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #31 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 28
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #32 May-Jun 1993 pg. 6

Sketch shows how to make a simple compound miter saw table extension.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #33 Jul-Aug 1993 pg. 14

Portable miter saw stand with extension arms and steel rollers on each end to support long stock. Stand folds up for storage. Est. cost: $80.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #66 Jun 1998 pg. 96
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #68 Oct 1998 pg. 12

The ultimate tool stand. This large (72"x26"x34" tall) roll-around stand combines a chop saw stand, router table, portable planer stand, workbench with T-slot clamping system, outfeed for table saw, downdraft sanding table, and a glue up table.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #82 Oct 2000 pg. 48

Bench for a sliding miter saw features extension fences which can be pivoted up out of the way when the bench is needed for other purposes.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #92 Feb 2002 pg. 101

Portable miter saw station is built from a 2x12 and fitted with sliding support brackets for long workpieces.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #93 Apr 2002 pg. 92

Miter saw station. A Workmate provides the base for this chop saw addition featuring a divided fence, adjustable stop block, and built-in measuring scale. Est. cost: $30 plus Workmate.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Feb 2002 (v.25#4) pg. 45
Correction CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Mar 2002 (v.25#5) pg. 6

Roll-around stand for a powered miter saw features folding wings that flip up to support long work pieces.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Dec 1997 (v.21#3) pg. 36

Portable chop saw table is made from a 2x12 and a 2x8.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #391 Sep 1998 (v.48#8) pg. 55

Simple extension table for a miter saw is made from plywood and pine.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #398 May 1999 (v.49#5) pg. 44

A chop-saw workstation. A movable table for the compound-miter saw. A large wooden box (30"x27"x25") on casters is used to protect and store the saw during transit and forms the base for the jobsite workstation.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #65 Feb-Mar 1991 pg. 46

Tools on wheels. Custom rigs for moving tools of the trade. (1) Miter-saw stand. (2) Radial arm saw cabinet. (3) Rolling tool bench. (4) Tool-barrow.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #69 Aug-Sep 1991 pg. 70

Simple folding bench and work support for a chop saw is made from 2x lumber.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #76 Aug-Sep 1992 pg. 30

Shopping for a chopsaw stand. A buyer's guide to 17 different models ranging in price from $40 to $390.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #99 Dec 1995-Jan 1996 pg. 44

A knockdown stand for a chop saw is made from plywood. Included in an article on building sawhorses.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #103 Jun-Jul 1996 pg. 48

Souping up a chopsaw stand. Adding extension tables and adjustable stops to a basic miter saw stand.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #114 Feb-Mar 1998 pg. 98

Rolling chop-saw stand saves space. Folding wings support long stock. Built mostly of plywood. Trimmed in walnut, mahogany, and maple.
FINE WOODWORKING #98 Jan-Feb 1993 pg. 44
Correction FINE WOODWORKING #100 May-Jun 1993 pg. 16

Miter saw work station. Sturdy stand for a chop saw features two drop-down extension tables (wings) which provide over 7-ft. of support. Other features include a storage drawer, adjustable stops, and hold-in.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #104 Sep 1998 (v.18#4) pg. 18

Portable work station for a miter saw features support wings that tuck away inside the main case for storage, a long fence which also stores out of the way, and an adjustable stop block which slides in slots cut in the fence rails.
SHOPNOTES #11 Sep 1993 (v.2) pg. 16

Miter saw station with folding extension wings on each side. Table has a built-in fence with adjustable stop block and a tape measure on the fence. Base has a storage shelf and removable scrap bin.
SHOPNOTES #31 Jan 1997 (v.6) pg. 6

Custom miter saw cabinet. Stand has a roll-out bin for chips and cutoffs. The left-hand extension table has a fence with an accurate stop.
WOOD MAGAZINE #50 Feb 1992 (v.9#2) pg. 56

Speed up multiple cuts (of short pieces) when using a powered miter saw by raising the input side and stopblock. The cut-off pieces will fall to the lower output table and let you make the next cut without shutting off the saw.
WOOD MAGAZINE #69 Apr 1994 (v.11#3) pg. 16

Miter saw stand (96"x24"x36" high) to accommodate a 12" compound miter saw. Unit is built from medium density fiberboard with plastic laminate on the top. Top is grooved to hold a three-section fence.
WOOD MAGAZINE #104 Mar 1998 (v.15#2) pg. 62, 22

Portable miter saw stands. Shop test of 9 commercial stands ranging in price from $100 to $390.
WOOD MAGAZINE #118 Nov 1999 (v.16#7) pg. 66
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #119 Dec 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 8

Mobile miter saw center. Sturdy plywood unit rolls around and locks in place. Features include fold-down table extensions, built-in waste disposal, and a unique leveling system for uneven floors.
WOOD MAGAZINE #119 Dec 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 60
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #127 Oct 2000 (v.17#7) pg. 8

Tip on cutting a long miter-slot into the top of a workbench that doubles as a miter saw stand. This eliminates the need for a permanent miter saw fence.
WOOD MAGAZINE #128 Nov 2000 (v.17#8) pg. 42

Tip on adding a second, raised benchtop to a miter saw workbench so that cuts can be made using the miter saw without interference from benchtop tools.
WOOD MAGAZINE #130 Feb 2001 (v.18#1) pg. 30

Miter saw stand fits over a 2x4 or 2x6 rail that's supported by one pair of standard sawhorse legs.
WOODSMITH #73 Feb 1991 pg. 5

Simple miter saw workstation that doubles as an extension table and sits on saw horses.
WOODSMITH #112 Aug 1997 (v.19) pg. 4

Adapting a powered miter saw to include a platform for clamping stock and stop blocks.
WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1995 (v.51#5) pg. 55

Miter saw station uses saw horses for a base and includes 72" long aluminum support rails and a tool tray.
WORKBENCH Dec 1997 (v.53#6) pg. 42