A guide to pruning shears. How to judge quality and select a pair that fits your hands and needs. FINE GARDENING #25 May-Jun 1992 pg. 46
How to repair the locking device on pruning shears. FINE GARDENING #32 Jul-Aug 1993 pg. 10
Pruning saws. The right tool makes cutting easier. What is available and tips on their use. FINE GARDENING #35 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 40
Prune with the right tool. When to use hand shears, loppers, a saw, hedge shears and a pole pruner. Includes advice on caring for pruning tools. FINE GARDENING #55 May-Jun 1997 pg. 33
Advice on the proper way to sharpen a shovel and pruning shears. GARDEN GATE #7 Feb 1996 pg. 39
Tips on selecting and using pruning shears. HARROWSMITH #102 Mar-Apr 1992 (v.16#6) pg. 32
Clean cuts. Practical advice on using pruning shears, loppers and saws. HORTICULTURE Apr 1991 (v.69#4) pg. 28
Sharpening bypass pruning shears. HORTICULTURE Jan 1996 (v.74#1) pg. 32
A survey of power pruners. HORTICULTURE Mar 1997 (v.94#3) pg. 72
A kinder cut. A review of pruning tools and how to use them. ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1992 (v.39#8) pg. 42
Proper tools for trimming trees and shrubs described. ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1996 (v.43#1) pg. 74
How to choose pruning shears that are both effective and comfortable. SUNSET Oct 1990 (v.185#4) pg. 196