Tips on overcoming the dangers of back drafting when using high-volume exhaust fans in workshops.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #46 Aug 1995 pg. 6
What to look for when selecting an explosion-proof exhaust fan.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #49 Dec 1995 pg. 12
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #54 Oct 1996 pg. 10
Furnace-friendly shop. How to ensure that workshop dust and fumes from solvent-based finishes don't cause health and safety problems in a basement shop.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1997 (v.20#6) pg. 23
Advice on ventilating a small basement workshop via an exhaust fan.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul-Aug 1997 (v.20#10) pg. 28
Tip on converting a portable squirrel-cage blower to help remove dust and fumes when remodeling.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #83 Aug-Sep 1993 pg. 28
Installing an exhaust fan in a basement workshop window.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1992 (v.169#2) pg. 61
Battling harmful vapors in your basement workshop. Includes a simple-to-build basement ventilator.
WOOD MAGAZINE #39 Dec 1990 (v.7#7) pg. 72
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #43 Jun 1991 (v.8#4) pg. 8
Solvents, which ones to use and how to deal with them in finishing woodworking projects. Information on countermeasures to possible effects of toxic materials. Sketch shows a shop-built basement ventilator.
WOOD MAGAZINE #102 Winter 1997 (v.14#9) pg. 81
Basement window exhaust fan for shop ventilation. Allows access to the sliding window in front of the fan and doesn't block the light.
WOOD MAGAZINE #106 Jun 1998 (v.15#4) pg. 12