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Index To How To Do It Information
Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
Click on a see also (sa) or tracing (xx) to view detailed entries about a related subject.
The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   TREE

Pruning instructions for the pussy willow shrub.
FINE GARDENING #36 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 18

How to grow pussy willow in a container, with advice on overwintering.
GARDEN GATE #19 Feb 1998 pg. 40

Plants for pain relief. The use of willow and poplar barks.
HERB COMPANION Aug-Sep 1997 (v.9#6) pg. 60

Tip on how to acquire a true male pussy willow and start a plant from a cutting.
HORTICULTURE May 1993 (v.71#5) pg. 7

Weaving with willow. Add rustic charm to your garden with this classic technique. Instructions for a willow wattle crinkle fence. Photos of other uses included.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov-Dec 1999 (v.46#6) pg. 36

Basket Willow. A description of how willow is grown, gathered and made into baskets in Somerset, England. Includes instructions for planting and tending a "withy bed" of purple osier basket willow or red osier dogwood.
THREADS #3 Feb-Mar 1986 pg. 63