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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Threads used for tying fishing flies suggested for bead crafters.
BEAD & BUTTON #1 Feb 1994 pg. 4

Tip shows how to glue a wire beading needle to a cord or thong to make it easier to string trade beads.
BEAD & BUTTON #1 Feb 1994 pg. 4

Easy ways to string beads. Basic techniques using tigertail, nylon thread and silk thread.
BEAD & BUTTON #2 Apr 1994 pg. 9

Two tips for stiffening the end of thread when stringing beads.
BEAD & BUTTON #3 Jun 1994 pg. 4

Tip describes how to make knots that will hold when doing bead work.
BEAD & BUTTON #4 Aug 1994 pg. 4

Knotting. Part 1. Step-by-step guide to bead knotting with tweezers. Describes how silk thread is knotted between each bead.
BEAD & BUTTON #4 Aug 1994 pg. 16

Tip on how to thread size 12 or smaller beading needles.
BEAD & BUTTON #5 Oct 1994 pg. 4

Tip on sealing knots in nylon thread.
BEAD & BUTTON #6 Dec 1994 pg. 4

Tip describes how to correct bead stringing errors.
BEAD & BUTTON #7 Feb 1995 pg. 4

Knotting. Part 2. How to use a knotting tool for bead knotting.
BEAD & BUTTON #7 Feb 1995 pg. 10

Tip on using a powdered form of gum arabic as a knot glue when stringing beads.
BEAD & BUTTON #8 Apr 1995 pg. 4

Tip shares a technique for making seed beads "jump" onto a needle.
BEAD & BUTTON #9 Jun 1995 pg. 4

Better bead stringing. Tips on picking the right cord or wire.
BEAD & BUTTON #14 Jun 1996 pg. 4

How to make twisted wire beading needles.
BEAD & BUTTON #22 Dec 1997 pg. 8

Tip on how to get uniform spacing between beads.
BEAD & BUTTON #22 Dec 1997 pg. 9

Tip suggests coating the end of thread with cyanoacrylate glue to make it rigid enough to go through beads that are too small for a threaded needle to pass through.
BEAD & BUTTON #23 Feb 1998 pg. 8

Tip recommends recycling dental floss containers to hold spools of Nymo thread.
BEAD & BUTTON #27 Oct 1998 pg. 8

Tip suggests using the textured palm piece from an old rubber glove to grip a needle when pulling it through beads.
BEAD & BUTTON #28 Dec 1998 pg. 8

Tip shows how to make a thread harness for bead stringing when the cord is too thick for the eye of a needle.
BEAD & BUTTON #30 Apr 1999 pg. 12

A new slant on bead stringing. How to use freeform peyote stitch and fringe to weave textural jewelry with large bead accents.
BEAD & BUTTON #30 Apr 1999 pg. 58

Tip tells how to string trade beads with large or cone-shaped holes so they don't wobble on a headpin or swallow up smaller beads next to them.
BEAD & BUTTON #31 Jun 1999 pg. 8

Tip on prestretching silk bead thread.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 84

One method for knotting beads is described.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 85

Expert advice on choosing and using beads, clasps, bead tips, and cords.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1992 (v.46#7) pg. 81

Bead stringing tips. Advice on equipment and supplies and answers to frequently-asked questions.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1992 (v.46#7) pg. 89

Outstanding strands. Learning how to tie consistent knots and use French coil will give your bead stringing projects a professional finish.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1993 (v.46#11) pg. 101

Stranded. Alternative stringing and tying techniques. (1) A continuous string of beads without a clasp. (2) Attaching a clasp to a string of beads.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1993 (v.47#3) pg. 89

Fancy finishes. How to tie off small beads or pearls, including multiple strands.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1993 (v.47#5) pg. 95

The right stuff. A guide to finding your own best tools for bead stringing.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1993 (v.47#7) pg. 119

A beginner's guide to bead stringing. Part 1. Working with tiger tail stringing medium.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1994 (v.48#5) pg. 92

A beginner's guide to bead stringing. Part 2. Working with silk or bead cord.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1994 (v.48#6) pg. 95

Knotting between beads. A beginner bead stringing and knotting project. Describes the traditional one-needle method, the one-needle method with threaded beads, and the two-needle method.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1996 (v.50#2) pg. 166

A guide to gem beads. Tips for beginners on choosing gemstone beads, necklace layout and design, and stringing.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1999 (v.53#2) pg. 321

Tools and supplies for bead stringing. An introduction.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1999 (v.53#4) pg. 42

Advice for novice gemstone beaders. Learning about both the gemstones and the techniques used to string them.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1999 (v.53#8) pg. 81

How to string beads with knots between each one.
THREADS #26 Dec 1989-Jan 1990 pg. 49
Added Info THREADS #26 Dec 1989-Jan 1990 pg. 4