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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Scrollsawing with kids.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jun 2000 (v.23#8) pg. 18

Kids in the shop. First steps in introducing a child to the workshop are summarized. Age-appropriate projects are suggested.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Mar 1993 (v.16#6) pg. 18

Tips on introducing children to woodworking. Includes simple projects and tool-related activities designed to teach a child.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul 1994 (v.17#10) pg. 27

Setting up a mini shop. Basic tools for a child.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1996 (v.19#4) pg. 23

Tips for introducing children to simple woodworking projects.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #352 Oct 1994 (v.44#9) pg. 6

Safe and fun woodworking with children.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #353 Nov-Dec 1994 (v.44#10) pg. 18

Green woodworking with kids. How to construct a shave horse and make a simple footstool from wet wood freshly split from a log.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1993 (v.17#1) pg. 18
Added Info WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1993 (v.17#4) pg. 6