A new outboard DAC. Build a high-performance outboard digital-to-analog converter (DAC). Part 4. Optional optical interfaces and performance curves.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 3/1997 [Jun 1997] (v.28#3) pg. 24
Modifications to the Audio Crafters Guild X-DAC.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1997 [Aug 1997] (v.28#4) pg. 45
Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 2/1999 [Mar 1999] (v.30#2) pg. 30 (X-DAC 3.0 upgrades)
Jitter detector/modulator circuit design. Presenting the design of a piece of test equipment that is used with other common audio test devices to measure jitter amplitude and spectra present in D/A and A/D converters.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 5/1997 [Oct 1997] (v.28#5) pg. 16
A simple modification for the Audio Alchemy XDP D/A converter.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 6/1997 [Dec 1997] (v.28#6) pg. 40
New approach to line amps and DACs. Design and construction of a combined line amp and crossover combination which features two dual buffers (one set for subwoofer output and the other for tape output). Also suitable for use as the analog part of an outboard DAC (digital-to-analog converter).
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1998 [Aug 1998] (v.29#4) pg. 8
Optimizing the S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface). Hidden hazards and hook-up hints when using cables, connectors, and input switching for digital audio.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1998 [Aug 1998] (v.29#4) pg. 16
Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 1/1999 [Jan 1999] (v.30#1) pg. 44, 51
Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 2/1999 [Mar 1999] (v.30#2) pg. 46
Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1999 [Aug 1999] (v.30#4) pg. 46
Upgrading Monarchy's converters and amplifiers. Worthwhile, user-installable upgrades to Monarchy Audio's Models 22C, 33, and 18B D/A converters and the SE-100 Delux and SM-70 power amplifiers.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 5/2000 [Sep 2000] (v.31#5) pg. 8
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Jan 2001 (v.32#1) pg. 94
The Assemblage DAC-2.6 and DAC-3.0 digital-to-analog converter kits from The Parts Connection are reviewed.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 6/2000 [Nov 2000] (v.31#6) pg. 32
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 6/2000 (v.12#6) pg. 40 (Reprint of review)
Exploring the DAC chip world. A survey of DAC chips to determine a simple solution to improve performance.
AUDIOXPRESS May 2001 (v.32#5) pg. 52
Theoretical circuit to convert I^2S digital audio signals into PCM 63 (20-bit) or PCM 1704 (24-bit) digital audio signals for input to a DAC.
AUDIOXPRESS Nov 2001 (v.32#11) pg. 81
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Apr 2002 (v.33#4) pg. 66
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Sep 2002 (v.33#9) pg. 63
Correction AUDIOXPRESS Oct 2002 (v.33#10) pg. 60 (Correction to April 2002 circuit)
A de-emphasis fix for the D2D-1. A simple modification for the Assemblage D2D-1 Sample Rate Converter so it will pass the de-emphasis flag on to the D/A converter on CDs with pre-emphasis.
AUDIOXPRESS Jan 2003 (v.34#1) pg. 46
A tube DAC (digital-to-analog converter) for use with a separate digital data source (CD player, digital audio tape, video laser disk, or digital VCR).
GLASS AUDIO 1/1994 (v.6#1) pg. 14
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 3/1994 (v.6#3) pg. 43
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 4/1994 (v.6#4) pg. 52
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 2/1995 (v.7#2) pg. 55
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 5/1995 (v.7#5) pg. 58
High-performance DAC (digital-to-analog converter) with a tube-based output stage. Part 1. Computer simulations for a full-featured tube amp.
GLASS AUDIO 2/1997 (v.9#2) pg. 22
High-performance DAC (digital-to-analog converter) with a tube-based output stage. Part 2. A practical design with regulated power supplies and a printed circuit board that you can use to replace semiconductor output stages in existing CD players or outboard DACs.
GLASS AUDIO 4/1997 (v.9#4) pg. 26
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 3/1998 (v.10#3) pg. 57
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 5/1999 (v.11#5) pg. 77
A 24-bit digital/analog converter. Hybrid DAC project uses the CS4390 IC. Features include a vacuum diode power supply, a signal transformer with mu-metal core, and inherent low-pass filtering.
GLASS AUDIO 6/1998 (v.10#6) pg. 1