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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Tip describes how to convert a plastic gallon jug into a sawdust collector for a router.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #31 Mar-Apr 1993 pg. 14

Tip on extracting sawdust from the inside of a Porter-Cable 690 (or similar) router.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #52 Jun 1996 pg. 22

Tip shows how to make a dust and shavings collector for a router table from a 5-gallon plastic bucket.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #63 Dec 1997 pg. 34
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #65 Apr 1998 pg. 14

Downdraft sanding and routing table. Furnace blower sucks dust and chips down through the grill that forms the top of the table.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #63 Dec 1997 pg. 84

Tips for sawdust control. (1) Thickness planer collector. (2) Sanding dust collection ideas. (3) Lathe dust hood. (4) Table saw dust trap. (5) Portable router dust hood. (6) Piping for a central dust collection system.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #80 Jun 2000 pg. 62

Convert a 1-gallon plastic milk container into a router sawdust collector.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #96 Oct 2002 pg. 27

Tip on fabricating a vacuum cleaner pickup head from fiberglass which attaches to a shop-built router fence.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Feb 2000 (v.23#4) pg. 12

Combination fence and sawdust collection hood for a router table.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #351 Sep 1994 (v.44#8) pg. 52

Vacuum hold-down table is a combination sanding platform and router table. The design enables a shop vacuum to serve dual functions by providing suction for the hold-down or collecting dust from the router table.
FINE WOODWORKING #102 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 68

Photo of a combination router table fence and sawdust collector.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #95 Mar 1997 (v.17#1) pg. 19

Homemade dust collector shroud for a router table.
WOOD MAGAZINE #43 Jun 1991 (v.8#4) pg. 21

The ultimate router fence system features a pickup for dust collection, a high fence for vertical stability and a right-angle support for biscuit joinery.
WOOD MAGAZINE #58 Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 44
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #65 Nov 1993 (v.10#8) pg. 23

Shop vacuum exhaust port hooked to airtight router cabinet forces woodchips through the collection hose.
WOOD MAGAZINE #99 Oct 1997 (v.14#6) pg. 18

Tip on attaching the nozzle of a shop vacuum to a router table fence.
WOODSMITH #74 Apr 1991 pg. 4

Micro-adjustable router-table fence. Incorporates a vacuum pickup for dust collection.
WOODWORK #28 Aug 1994 pg. 41
Added Info WOODWORK #30 Dec 1994 pg. 4

Exhausting the options. Part 2. Sawdust extraction methods for power saws and routers.
WOODWORKER Aug 1990 (v.94#8) pg. 756