A look at overweight dogs and tips on how the pet owner can guard against obesity. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1974 (v.52#2) pg. 26
How to keep your pets out of people's hair. Covers how to confine a pet outdoors, indoors, and in a car. Tips on making the confinement comfortable for the pet. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1975 (v.53#2) pg. 58
A dozen bits of common misinformation about dogs and answers that set them straight. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1976 (v.54#2) pg. 112
How to tell if your dog is sick enough to need a veterinarian. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1976 (v.54#4) pg. 132
How to keep from losing your dog and how to track it down and get it back if you do lose it. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jul 1976 (v.54#7) pg. 35
A look at some of the more novel breeds of dogs to consider for a pet. Animal characteristics and the addresses for breed clubs are given for bearded collie, saluki, basenji, Canaan dog, Irish water spaniel, and papillon. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Mar 1977 (v.55#3) pg. 148
A look at heartworms. What they are, when to have your dog checked, how to prevent heartworms, and how an infested dog is treated. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1977 (v.55#5) pg. 264
Information about dog and cat shows. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1978 (v.56#6) pg. 220
A summary of what vaccinations dogs and cats need and when they should receive them. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Mar 1979 (v.57#3) pg. 178
How to handle your dog or cat's pregnancy. Getting ready for the delivery, helping out and post-delivery care for your pet. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1979 (v.57#5) pg. 194
Coping with common pet problems such as sloppy eating, begging, cats that claw, chewing, "accidents" indoors, barking and car chasing. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1979 (v.57#11) pg. 252
Care tips for left-home-alone pets. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Jun 1984 (v.62#6) pg. 62
Emergency care for pets. Four steps to follow when accidents occur and a guide to common pet injuries. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1987 (v.65#8) pg. 42
Dogs and boats. Includes tips on safeguarding your pet around boats and water. BOATING WORLD #105 Jan 1995 pg. 34
Advice on boating with dogs. BOATING WORLD #168 Apr 2001 pg. 30
A guide to the right and wrong things to do when you suddenly meet a strange dog. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1974 (v.64#7) pg. 36
How to make a wall-hung rack to hold a pet's lease and grooming tools. The rack looks like a doghouse. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1975 (v.65#7) pg. 57
How to choose a dog that is the right size, type, and disposition for you. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1976 (v.66#2) pg. 57
Hints for a healthy pet. Keep your dog or cat a happy animal by following these simple health tips. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1984 (v.74#2) pg. 8
Coping with an agressive dog. Some tips. BOYS' LIFE Aug 1987 (v.77#8) pg. 6
Dealing with aggressive dogs when bicycling. Some tips. BOYS' LIFE Feb 1988 (v.78#2) pg. 15
Finding a lost pet. Some tips. BOYS' LIFE Apr 1988 (v.78#4) pg. 8
How to pick the perfect dog for you. BOYS' LIFE Jan 1994 (v.84#1) pg. 25
Advice on taking a dog hiking, boating, etc. Includes recommendations on supplies for a doggie backpack. BOYS' LIFE Jul 1998 (v.88#7) pg. 5
How to take care of a dog that will be living outside during the winter. Looks at housing, potential problems such as rodent control, trapping and hunting, and how to deal with them. COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1978 (v.62#1) pg. 54
A look at five infectious diseases of dogs and how to avoid or combat them. Canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, viral respiratory disease and rabies are covered. COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1978 (v.62#10) pg. 52
The working stock dog. Short description of working breeds and a look at a puppy vs. an older dog and a male vs. a female. COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1979 (v.63#1) pg. 38
The farm dog primer. Basic pointers on getting started with a working dog. Covers working methods and the most popular breeds. COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1979 (v.63#6) pg. 42
A basic medical routine to keep a dog healthy. COUNTRYSIDE Mar 1981 (v.65#3) pg. 55
Salves (ointments) for milk cow udder and skin problems on a dog. COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1983 (v.67#4) pg. 8
Tips on when and how long guardian dogs should be placed with the stock they will protect. COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1984 (v.68#4) pg. 37
Tips on raising guardian dogs. COUNTRYSIDE May 1984 (v.68#5) pg. 14
How to deal with unfriendly dogs. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1994 (v.78#4) pg. 62
Put your dog to work. Make him a 2-wheel cart from PVC plumbing pipe. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 2001 (v.85#6) pg. 41
Tips on creating a garden that can also accommodate pet dogs. FINE GARDENING #39 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 70
First aid for dogs. How to handle the nine most common emergencies. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jun 1978 (v.186#6) pg. TM6 (304+)
Summer first aid for pets. Includes suggestions for assembling a first aid kit. HARROWSMITH #109 May-Jun 1993 (v.18#1) pg. 16
Overview of risks to pets from ingesting household chemicals, drugs, etc. Tips on what to do if your dog or cat has been accidently poisoned. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #119 Dec 1994 (v.19) pg. 61
How to find the perfect companion dog for the country home. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #126 Feb 1996 (v.20) pg. 36
Added Info HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #127 Apr 1996 (v.20) pg. 6
Traveling with a pet. Some tips. HOMEOWNER Jun 1986 (v.11#5) pg. 28
Tips on helping your pet avoid illness. HOMEOWNER Jul-Aug 1986 (v.11#6) pg. 18
Pet care tips. Exercising your dog. Dental care for your dog. HOMEOWNER Oct 1986 (v.11#8) pg. 22
Tips on buying a new puppy and getting him off to a good start. Covers housebreaking, hygiene, obedience training and feeding. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1978 (v.3#1) pg. 105
Painted peg rack holds leash, brushes and other dog accessories. Includes instructions for sewing a mesh bag to hold small items. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Oct 1986 (v.31#5) pg. 87, 105, 97
How to get your dog in shape. Exercise that will help develop strength and stamina in your dog. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #544 Sep 1973 (v.69) pg. 90
How to select a watchdog that you can live with. A description of the traits of some breeds that make good watchdogs, and of others that don't. A discussion of points to consider when choosing a dog. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #593 Oct 1977 (v.73) pg. 64
Take your pet on your next vacation. Selecting a carrier and other travel tips. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #675 Jul 1984 (v.80) pg. 88
A guide to the injections and oral medications you need to give your dog and cat. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #59 Sep-Oct 1979 pg. 49
Tip: Dog droppings in flower beds will keep dogs out of the flowers. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #69 May-Jun 1981 pg. 45
Homemade salve for mange. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #69 May-Jun 1981 pg. 46
Tip on protecting your pet from antifreeze poisoning. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #101 Sep-Oct 1986 pg. 30
Exercising your pet. Tips on aerobic workouts for dogs and cats. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #105 May-Jun 1987 pg. 34
Treatment and prevention of summer "hot spots" (dermatitis, eczema) on your dog's skin. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #112 Jul-Aug 1988 pg. 23
Pointers on selecting a suitable dog for protection that will give a minimum of problems. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov 1986 (v.14#9) pg. 434
Tip: Make your own dog repellent from cigarette butts. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1983 (v.30#12) pg. 22
Tips for keeping cats and dogs out of the garden. ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1987 (v.34#6) pg. 30
Entrance for a dog or cat is cut into a regular door. May be latched shut to keep pet either inside or outside. POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1966 (v.188#3) pg. 204
What to do when a dog bothers a garden. Tips for both avoiding and correcting problems. SUNSET Apr 1987 (v.178#4) pg. 106
Common signs of illness in dogs and how to deal with them. WOMAN'S DAY May 19 1978 (v.41#10) pg. 74
What to do about a nervous dog. WOMAN'S DAY Dec 19 1978 (v.42#4) pg. 76
What to do if your dog is lost and a guide to methods of proper identification. WOMAN'S DAY May 22 1979 (v.42#10) pg. 64
First aid for cats and dogs. What you can do before the vet takes over. WOMAN'S DAY Jan 10 1984 (v.47#5) pg. 21