How to set up an aquarium. Includes instructions on how to buy and care for tropical fish. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1972 (v.50#4) pg. 148
How to build a combination aquarium/terrarium that can host an assortment of plants as well as a turtle and snails, tree frogs, and chameleon or lizards. Instructions for four habitats included: (1) a junior jungle, (2) a miniature marsh, (3) a magic meadow, and (4) a desert oasis. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1974 (v.52#11) pg. 104, 159
Tip: How to build a storage cabinet with space for a built-in aquarium. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1979 (v.57#2) pg. 108
How to set up a saltwater aquarium. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1979 (v.57#4) pg. 147
Setting up an aquarium. Some tips on size, filters, fish, etc. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1994 (v.72#4) pg. 210
How to choose, outfit and maintain a 10-gallon aquarium. BOYS' LIFE Oct 1973 (v.63#10) pg. 72
Make a mini-aquarium out of clear plastic shoebox. Fill it with tiny fish and water insects captured in a local lake or stream. Also shows how to make a "waterscope" from a plastic bottle. This device will allow you to look underwater to see what you want to capture. BOYS' LIFE Mar 1974 (v.64#3) pg. 45
How to prepare an aquarium to receive tropical fish. BOYS' LIFE Oct 1981 (v.71#10) pg. 53
Setting up an aquarium. Some tips. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1987 (v.77#12) pg. 12
Tropical fish troubles. The top 10 mistakes about aquariums and how to avoid them. BOYS' LIFE Sep 1989 (v.79#9) pg. 9
Simple, knockdown-style pine bookcase serves to hold phonograph records and an aquarium. Unit measures 30" tall, 30" wide and 12" deep. Est. cost: $30. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1981 (v.5#2) pg. 38
An aquarium room divider. House framing considerations for supporting a large (250 gallon) aquarium and related equipment weighing 3,750 pounds. FINE HOMEBUILDING #72 Feb-Mar 1992 pg. 62
Build the Mermaid I. A submersible heater, made out of junk box 0.5-watt resistors, is used to heat etchant, photo chemicals, fish tanks, etc. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1985 (v.2#6) pg. 80
Hexagon-shaped, frameless aquarium made of glass and sealed with a new waterproof sealant from Dow Corning. Build aquariums of up to 10 gallon capacity without the use of metal frames. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #452 Jan 1966 (v.62) pg. 122
A look at getting started in tropical fish raising. Describes the basic equipment needed and some good starter fish. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #586 Mar 1977 (v.73) pg. 58
How to photograph tropical fish in an aquarium, on color film and using a strobe. Does not require placing your camera in the tank. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1979 (v.43#8) pg. 93
Underwater shooting: The inside story. Three specialists show how to take indoor photographs of fish in small aquariums. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY May 1984 (v.48#5) pg. 70
How to obtain and maintain native fish for the home aquarium. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #90 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 106
Tip: Use the water from fish aquariums as a plant food. ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1981 (v.28#1) pg. 25
Make a small aquarium to use in photographing fish without having to go underwater. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1986 (v.15#5) pg. 78
The family fish album. How to take great underwater photographs through the sides of your living room aquarium. PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1986 (v.15#7) pg. 36
Static-free thermistorized aquarium heater will not cause radio interference. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1966 (v.25#3) pg. 73
Electronic aquarium heater. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1970 (v.32#1) pg. 60
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1970 (v.32#3) pg. 14
Circuit designed to switch 240 watts with a change in light levels. Used to operate an aquarium heater. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1971 (v.35#2) pg. 88
Heater control for aquarium or photographic chemical use. Circuit shown will handle up to 200 watts. Used to control immersible or non-immersible heaters. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1972 (v.2#3) pg. 70
Build an automatic fish feeder. Every 12 hours a solenoid is activated allowing granulated food to fall from a bin into the tank. The amount dispensed is adjustable. There is also a low-food (refill) indicator light. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 39
Hexagon-shaped coffee table is actually a six-tank aquarium. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1968 (v.129#4) pg. 150
A 10-gallon aquarium that sits in a window. Can also be built into a wall, and surrounded with a picture frame, to create an elegant decoration. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1968 (v.129#4) pg. 150
How to make a unique bubble pond aquarium. Uses 30" diameter plastic bubble and cradle built of redwood or pine. Air-pump filter system is installed to create a waterfall effect. Est. cost: $50. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1973 (v.139#2) pg. 168
A special aquarium for photographing fish. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1971 (v.68#4) pg. 72
Plexiglas hemisphere (20" diameter) with a plastic top, supported by leather slings attached to an oak framework. Illuminated by an overhead lamp. Combines an aquarium with a coffee or lamp table. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1971 (v.199#1) pg. 78
How to set up and maintain an economical saltwater aquarium. SCIENCE PROBE! Jul 1991 (v.1#3) pg. 63
Correction SCIENCE PROBE! Jan 1992 (v.2#1) pg. 7 (Definition of pH)
How to raise snails at home. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1975 (v.232#2) pg. 104
Aquarium stand. Simple 4-leg table frame holds two 20-29 gallon tanks, one above the other. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1978 (v.2#1) pg. 15
Wall aquarium creates a living picture. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1963 (v.19#3) pg. 9
Contemporary furniture with a flair. Hexagon shaped end table doubles as a large aquarium. Walnut frame is fitted with glass sides and top. Holds 13 gallons of water. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1981 (v.37#3) pg. 82