Tips on storing sawdust for use as fuel.
FINE WOODWORKING #47 Jul-Aug 1984 pg. 14
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #49 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 6
A look at new technology in using sawdust as a fuel.
HARROWSMITH #29 Aug 1980 (v.5#1) pg. 29
Tips on long-term storage of gasoline, diesel fuel and furnace oil.
HARROWSMITH #42 Apr-May 1982 (v.6#6) pg. 18
A worksheet for comparing fuel consumption from year to year, with a factor for the weather included in the comparison.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1980 (v.5#1) pg. 81
Diagrams of a wood gasification unit designed to produce a gaseous motor fuel from wood scraps.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #78 Nov-Dec 1982 pg. 158
BASIC language computer program which compares the relative cost of various fuels used to heat a house.
NEW SHELTER Sep 1982 (v.3#7) pg. 37