A guide to firearms for the homesteader. Covers shotguns, rifles, combination guns, and handguns. COUNTRYSIDE Nov 1980 (v.64#11) pg. 29
Proper loading and care of black powder guns. COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1981 (v.65#10) pg. 26
Selecting a 12 gauge shotgun. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1994 (v.78#2) pg. 66
Advice on selecting a low-cost deer hunting rifle. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1994 (v.78#5) pg. 53
How to make a "Poor man's" Kentucky flintlock rifle. Gives tips on designing a rifle and purchasing or making the fittings. EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 26
Build yourself a black powder rifle from a muzzle-loader kit. Some tips. FAMILY HANDYMAN #218 Apr 1981 (v.31#4) pg. 46
Advice on preserving the wooden carriage of a memorial cannon which is outdoors and constantly exposed to weather. FINE WOODWORKING #92 Jan-Feb 1992 pg. 28
Use gun-bluing to apply professional looking finishes to iron and steel products and also to tatoo and mark metal objects. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #440 Jan 1965 (v.61) pg. 96
Converting a Springfield 1903-A3 rifle. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #450 Nov 1965 (v.61) pg. 120
How to choose a shotgun with a choke that matches your reaction time and idea of distance. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #511 Dec 1970 (v.66) pg. 59
Tips on legal transporting of your rifles by airplane, train, car and commom carrier. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #527 Apr 1972 (v.68) pg. 42
Tips on assembling a Brown Bess musket from a kit. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #528 May 1972 (v.68) pg. 42
A review of the sport of collecting and shooting cap and ball black-powder guns. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #532 Sep 1972 (v.68) pg. 101
How to win on long shots. Tips on shooting at and hitting flying ducks. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #556 Sep 1974 (v.70) pg. 49
Photos and text illustrate assembly of one of the black powder revolver kits available which resemble antique firearms. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #576 May 1976 (v.72) pg. 162
A review of a few of the Revolutionary War pistol and rifle replicas available in kit or assembled form. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #578 Jul 1976 (v.72) pg. 34
An examination of shotgun chokes and how they work. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #583 Dec 1976 (v.72) pg. 8
How to reduce the recoil in your rifle or shotgun. Includes a table of gun weight, powder and shot loads and recoil in foot lbs. Tips include use of a foam pad, correct position, use of a recoil reducer and matching gun and load. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #585 Feb 1977 (v.73) pg. 20
A look at the new over and under double barrel shotguns. An explanation of how they are different and what they will do for your shooting. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #594 Nov 1977 (v.73) pg. 10
How to determine your shotgun pattern by firing at a large piece of paper and then counting the number of pellets that fall within a 30" circle. By testing several brands of shells and several sizes of pellets, you can determine the best combination for your gun. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #597 Feb 1978 (v.74) pg. 20
What to know about a gun club before you join. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #609 Feb 1979 (v.75) pg. 8
The homestead firearm. How to choose, use, clean, etc. a shotgun or rifle. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #67 Jan-Feb 1981 pg. 162
The modern muzzleloader rifle. How to select and use one of these firearms. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #78 Nov-Dec 1982 pg. 40
The homestead firearm. Includes suggestions on selecting a shotgun or rifle, choosing shells and basic gun care. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #100 Jul-Aug 1986 pg. 88
A guide to the selection of basic hunting arms for the beginner. Emphasizes .22 rifle and shotguns. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #106 Jul-Aug 1987 pg. 46
Safe shooting. Starting out right with recreational firearms. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #112 Jul-Aug 1988 pg. 78
Tips for shotgunners. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1963 (v.120#4) pg. 154
How to buy a good used gun. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1963 (v.120#5) pg. 130
Find the pattern of your shotgun shot. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1965 (v.124#5) pg. 172
How to spot a good used gun. Photos illustrate what to look for. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1967 (v.128#2) pg. 106
How to select a modern shotgun. A look at the variety of models, actions and gauges available and how to pick one that suits your activities. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1973 (v.140#3) pg. 134
Family secrets from an old-time machine shop. Gunsmithing family reveals tricks of the trade including indexing round stock, joining mismatched rods, machining half-pound pairs, tempering springs, etc. POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1967 (v.190#1) pg. 160
Which shotgun is right for you? How shotguns work and how to choose one. POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1970 (v.197#3) pg. 84
Buyer's guide to .22 rifles. Advice from a gun expert. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1975 (v.207#2) pg. 74
Smokeless powder muzzle loader. SCIENCE & MECHANICS #214 Feb 1963 (v.34#2) pg. 81
The art of gun bluing. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jul 1964 (v.35#7) pg. 71
How to buy a .22 rifle. Discussion and buyer's guide to the various makes and models. SCIENCE & MECHANICS Feb 1967 (v.38#2) pg. 76
How to build a replica of a Kentucky-style flintlock rifle using a kit. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1972 (v.28#3) pg. 52