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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

sa   KILN

Retempering tools (chisels, gouges, etc.) to regain the cutting edge. This three-step process (annealing, hardening, and tempering) requires only a gas torch.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #56 Dec 1996 pg. 82

Heat treating. Techniques for making or fixing your own tools. Includes charts of heat glow and tempering temperatures to use. A gas welding torch is the source of heat. Photos illustrate the construction and tempering of a drawknife.
FINE WOODWORKING #4 Fall 1976 pg. 50
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #6 Spring 1977 pg. 5

Tip: Use a magnet to determine when to quench tool steel after heating to cherry red..
FINE WOODWORKING #7 Summer 1977 pg. 12

Two tips. (1) Use magnet to tell when tool steel is hot enough to quench. (2) Use linseed oil to blacken steel.
FINE WOODWORKING #11 Summer 1978 pg. 26

Tips on retempering an old chisel.
FINE WOODWORKING #61 Nov-Dec 1986 pg. 14
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #66 Sep-Oct 1987 pg. 6

Tip on spot-annealing steel (using a cut-off nail and drill press) prior to drilling a hole in the steel.
FINE WOODWORKING #98 Jan-Feb 1993 pg. 8

A simple technique for re-hardening cutting tools made of steel through a process of annealing, hardening, and tempering is explained.
FINE WOODWORKING #115 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 36

Advice on heat treating high-carbon tool steel and on sharpening techniques which won't damage the temper of the steel during the sharpening process.
FINE WOODWORKING #136 May-Jun 1999 pg. 96

Tip: How to carburize mild steel using an acetylene torch.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 23

How to harden and temper your cutting tools, such as plane irons, wood chisels, cold chisels, etc.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jul-Aug 1981 (v.6#4) pg. 97

Tip: Make a carbide tool to clean out holes after heat treating.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Feb 1981 (v.70#2) pg. 62

Heat treatment used on gemstone materials. Part 1.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1984 (v.38#1) pg. 18

Heat treatment used on gemstone materials. Part 2.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1984 (v.38#2) pg. 292

Tip on restoring the malleable state of metal through the annealing process.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1990 (v.44#3) pg. 93

Heat treating steel tools. A beginner-to-intermediate tool-making project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1998 (v.52#4) pg. 95

Twin burner, gas-fired furnace fed by air blast of vacuum cleaner heats to 2000 degrees.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1964 (v.121#6) pg. 164

Heat treating ovens and tools you can make.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1964 (v.122#6) pg. 170

How to anneal, harden and temper steel in a simple furnace made from an old single-burner stove, fire bricks and a propane torch.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1969 (v.132#6) pg. 178

Use a propane torch and a tin can to get a tool (punch, chisel, etc.) hot enough for hardening.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1967 (v.191#3) pg. 192

Experiments in case hardening using "Kasenit" surface hardening compound.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #179 Jun 1991 (v.15#11) pg. 10

Tips on heating and tempering tool steel, such as found in chisels.
WOODWORKER #1072 Mar 1983 (v.87) pg. 192

Keeping your temper. A practical guide to the basic metalurgy and heat treatment methods required for tool care, renovation and manufacture. Uses equipment found in the average workshop.
WOODWORKER Jun 1990 (v.94#6) pg. 588
Added Info WOODWORKER Sep 1990 (v.94#9) pg. 849

Tip describes how to temper screwdrivers and bench chisels to make them usable as turning tools.
WOODWORKER Jul 1995 (v.99#7) pg. 80

Tempering steel tools. How to renew the temper on a ruined cutting edge. Requires a propane torch and olive oil.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1991 (v.15#1) pg. 31