Build a plate-type reverberation chamber. Consists of a 36"x70" piece of galvanized steel suspended within a wooden frame. AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1982 [Oct 1982] (v.13#4) pg. 16
Plate reverberation theory. AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1987 [Mar 1987] (v.18#2) pg. 30
Audio processing with a microcomputer. Do some interesting real time audio processing tasks such as reverberation, phlanging, fuzz, echo, time delay, mono-to-stereo enhancing, and frequency multiplication. Could be useful for audio enthusiast or music group. Requires a 6502 (or equivalent) processor, 5K of memory, and A/D and D/A converters. BYTE Jun 1978 (v.3#6) pg. 166
Faster audio processing with a microprocessor. Selected hardware circuits make possible higher-fidelity processing systems. A review of the concept. Includes typical software routines for performing linear transformation, phlanging and reverberation on an 8080 system in order to illustrate the speed difficulties encountered with the software approach. BYTE Dec 1979 (v.4#12) pg. 54
Correction BYTE Apr 1980 (v.5#4) pg. 220
Reverb and surround-effects generator can add a variable time delay (zero to one-half second) to an audio signal. Use as part of a surround-sound system or to create reverberation. Est. cost: $60 (kit). POPTRONIX HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Winter 1996 pg. 40
Reverberation unit for car radio or hi-fi set at home will electronically enlarge your listening area to concert-hall proportions. Est. cost: $20. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1966 (v.24#2) pg. 50
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1966 (v.24#4) pg. 10
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1966 (v.24#4) pg. 20
Mini-verb. Improved automobile reverberation circuit is suitable for attachment to stereo hi-fi rigs. Will deliver at least 3 watts into a 3.2-ohm speaker with less than 1% distortion. Est. cost: $17. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1967 (v.26#5) pg. 41
Controllable reverberation adapter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1968 (v.28#1) pg. 41
Build a reverb and surround-effects generator. Add a variable time delay to an audio signal. Use with microphone to obtain interesting reverb effects. Est. cost: $60 (kit). POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1996 (v.13#4) pg. 38
Audio circuits for the musician. (1) Reverberation made simple. Piezo reverb unit incorporates a large metal coil spring from a child's toy microphone. (2) Swiss-army knife circuit can be used to directly tune an instrument by ear, to listen for a beat frequency, or to check the accuracy of a tuning fork. (3) One-chip equalizer circuit that furnishes bass, midrange, and treble control to an audio input. (4) Electronic bongo circuit that produces the sound of practically any percussion instrument. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1997 (v.14#11) pg. 58
Build the Phlanger for dramatic music effects. Built around an analog delay line, it adds a "swooshing" effect to music. Est. cost: $60. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1977 (v.48#10) pg. 42
Analog reverb for your hi-fi. Part 1. Est. cost: $150. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1981 (v.52#9) pg. 43
Analog reverb for your hi-fi. Part 2. Construction. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1981 (v.52#10) pg. 45
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