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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Modification for the Rabco ST-4 integrated turntable to avoid damage to the stylus and/or recording.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1971 [Jul 1972] (v.2#4) pg. 16

Tip on fixing the "rumble" problem in a Rek-O-Kut model B-12 Rondine turntable.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1974 [Apr 1975] (v.5#4) pg. 43

Tip on making a temporary phono or tape drive belt from sewing elastic.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1975 [Mar 1976] (v.6#4) pg. 41

Improve an AR (Audio Research) turntable's performance by several small modifications.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1976 [Dec 1976] (v.7#4) pg. 28

How to eliminate the loud "buzz" when using the Netronics 450D Direct Drive Turntable in conjunction with most CD-4 demodulators.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1976 [Dec 1976] (v.7#4) pg. 50

How to buy a gramophone (talking machine). Excepted from a book first published in 1913.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1977 [Feb 1977] (v.8#1) pg. 40

Tip on sizing your own rubber drive belts for a turntable, etc. by using cyanoacrylate adhesive.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1977 [May 1977] (v.8#2) pg. 73

Modify the wiring on a Technics SL-110A or SL-1100A direct drive turntable to play 78 RPM records.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1977 [Dec 1977] (v.8#4) pg. 46

Modifying the Rabco ST-4 to add a muting circuit in combination with a remote-controlled cue motor.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1978 [Jun 1978] (v.9#2) pg. 38

Classic ciruitry. Schematic diagram of the 412-ED electronic turntable from Fairchild Recording Equipment Co. (circa 1957).
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1978 [Nov 1978] (v.9#4) pg. 42

Add 78 RPM to a Philips GA-212 turntable.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1979 [Feb 1979] (v.10#1) pg. 36

The supression of surface noise. A classic theory which laid down constraints for all of today's phonograph disk quieting systems.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1979 [Apr 1979] (v.10#2) pg. 22

Reduce hum from the Kenwood KD-500 turntable. (1) Mount the transformer outboard. (2) Make minor wiring changes.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1980 [Mar 1980] (v.11#2) pg. 37

Photoelectric turn-off for manual turntables.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1980 [Jun 1980] (v.11#3) pg. 39

Tips on lubricating the motor on a Dual 1019 turntable.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1982 [Aug 1982] (v.13#3) pg. 37

Tip on using latex concrete patch mixes to deaden unwanted vibrations in turntables and loudspeaker systems.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1982 [Aug 1982] (v.13#3) pg. 56

Tip on improving the electrical contact between a metal turntable and the anti-static pad.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1982 [Aug 1982] (v.13#3) pg. 58

Transplanting a variable-frequency drive from a Technics SL-20 into the AR turntable.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1983 [Sep 1983] (v.14#3) pg. 37

Convert your idler-driven turntable to belt drive.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1984 [May 1984] (v.15#2) pg. 7
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 58

Phonograph servicing. Troubleshooting tips for signal defects, hum, drive mechanism, tone arms, etc.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1984 [May 1984] (v.15#2) pg. 46

Modification to eliminate hum on the Dual 1218 phonograph changer.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1984 [May 1984] (v.15#2) pg. 50
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 5/1984 [Oct 1984] (v.15#5) pg. 56 (Garrard changer)
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1985 [Jul 1985] (v.16#3) pg. 56

Tip on grounding Technics SLB300 belt-drive turntable to eliminate crackling noise.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1984 [Jul 1984] (v.15#3) pg. 42

Acoustic Research (AR) Model XA drive system components are incorporated into this turntable construction project.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1985 [Jul 1985] (v.16#3) pg. 27
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1986 [Feb 1986] (v.17#1) pg. 54
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 52
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1988 [Aug 1988] (v.19#3) pg. 24

Tips on modifying the Acoustic Research model XA turntable by adding a replacement motor from Merrill.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1985 [Jul 1985] (v.16#3) pg. 51
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 52

An electronic speed control for belt-driven turntables employing a synchronous motor.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1986 [Feb 1986] (v.17#1) pg. 7
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 52
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1992 [Jun 1992] (v.23#2) pg. 47
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Jan 2001 (v.32#1) pg. 99
Added Info AUDIOXPRESS Nov 2002 (v.33#11) pg. 68

Report on the Merrill modification kit for the Acoustic Research model XA and XB turntables.
AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1986 [Feb 1986] (v.17#1) pg. 43
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1986 [Aug 1986] (v.17#3) pg. 56

Tip on replacing the outer platter of an AR (Acoustic Research) turntable with a handcrafted acrylic platter.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1986 [Oct 1986] (v.17#4) pg. 40

The Mr.Bill turntable. Combines the best aspects of several commercial designs. Features the VPI acrylic platter-main bearing assembly, four-point hanging spring subchassis, angle-iron stand, and belt drive.
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1987 [Jul 1987] (v.18#3) pg. 26
Correction AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1988 [Feb 1988] (v.19#1) pg. 48

Classic circuitry. Schematic for the Newcomb Classic 1500R phonograph amplifier and remote control unit.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1987 [Nov 1987] (v.18#4) pg. 48

Stabilizing AC motors for better sound. Build a crystal referenced variable frequency power supply to precisely control the speed of a turntable, tape recorder, or some other device equipped with a synchronous motor.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1988 [Oct 1988] (v.19#4) pg. 29
Correction AUDIO AMATEUR 1/1990 [Feb 1990] (v.21#1) pg. 61
Added Info AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1990 [Oct 1990] (v.21#4) pg. 60

Understanding the RIAA curve in order to achieve maximum fidelity from analog phonograph records.
AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1990 [Apr 1990] (v.21#2) pg. 18

Curing vibration ills. Using low-tech methods to harness and eliminate unwanted vibration effects in audio system components (such as CD players and turntables).
AUDIO AMATEUR 3/1996 [Sep 1996] (v.27#3) pg. 28

Analyzing the dynamic range potential of the phonographic playback system in which the cartridge and preamplifier are treated as an integrated system. Includes a comparison with CD systems.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1996 [Dec 1996] (v.27#4) pg. 16

Ways to upgrade the Dual 1229 changer/turntable and other old turntables.
AUDIO ELECTRONICS 1/1999 [Jan 1999] (v.30#1) pg. 54

Product review of the kit from Origin Live for upgrading the Linn LP12 turntable.
AUDIOXPRESS Mar 2002 (v.33#3) pg. 54

Tips on cleaning and lubricating an old Thorens TD-124 turntable.
AUDIOXPRESS Apr 2002 (v.33#4) pg. 67

Circuit for a simple phonograph amplifier which uses the LM380 audio power amplifier chip.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Sep 1979 (v.35#9) pg. 72

Add strobe bars to your turntable.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1963 (v.6#4) pg. 89

Transistorize your phonograph by replacing tube amplifiers with a transistor amplifier. Should result in improved output quality in small phonographs.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1967 (v.10#5) pg. 105

Convert an inexpensive child's mono phonograph to a stereo unit. Add a 5-watt stereo amplifier, power supply, volume and tone controls, new pickup arm and second speaker.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1969 (v.12#3) pg. 31

Build a direct-reading wow and flutter meter. Used to measure distortion caused by out-of-round phonograph or tape player components. Part 1.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jul 1972 (v.15#4) pg. 46

One-tube phono amplifier operates from crystal or ceramic phono cartridge and outputs 1 watt.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 31

Build a direct-reading wow and flutter meter. Part 2.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 42

A compact stereo you can build has amplifier and record changer in same base. Uses IC amplifier modules capable of delivering 15 watts rms to each speaker. Est. cost: $100.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1972 (v.15#6) pg. 23

Circuit for connecting a phono jack to an AC/DC radio and avoid the shock hazard.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1966 (v.3#1) pg. 10

Stereo broadcaster. Convert an inexpensive record player to play stereo records by installing a short-range AM broadcaster inside the phono and playing one track through the second track through a nearby AM radio. Est. cost: $7.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1967 (v.4#2) pg. 47

Stereofone, a dual IC amplifier designed specifically with input equalization for a magnetic phono cartridge and output to feed stereo headphones.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1969 (v.9#1) pg. 49

Two step audio filter for restoring old 78 rpm record sound. Used to adjust sound to the "most pleasing" when recording from old 78's.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1974 (v.14#1) pg. 72

Tips on restoring antique radio-phonograph combinations.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1980 (v.20#5) pg. 67

How to replace a drive belt in a turntable.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #329 Jun 1992 (v.42#6) pg. 87

Transformation of the AR turntable. Simple mechanical modifications to improve the sonic quality of this venerable turntable/tonearm combination.
GLASS AUDIO 1/1998 (v.10#1) pg. 28
Correction GLASS AUDIO 2/1998 (v.10#2) pg. 44
Added Info GLASS AUDIO 4/1998 (v.10#4) pg. 58

Simple amplifier circuit for use with a turntable.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Oct 1987 (v.4#10) pg. 94

Amplifier circuit for a turntable is capable of driving a 6" speaker with its 1-watt output.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Dec 1987 (v.4#12) pg. 100

Identifying defective electric motors. Emphasis is on small motors found in VCRs, tape players, turntables, etc. Includes instructions for building a Motor Voltage Box to supply various voltages for checking.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Oct 1988 (v.5#10) pg. 66

How to maintain a turntable or record changer. Covers cleaning and the remedies for most common problems.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jan-Feb 1978 (v.3#1) pg. 69

How to adjust the mechanism that drops the records on a record changer.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Nov-Dec 1979 (v.4#6) pg. 42

Child's hand-cranked springless phonograph.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #427 Dec 1963 (v.59) pg. 90

Stereo phonograph built into an attache case uses earphones.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #435 Aug 1964 (v.60) pg. 82

Electronic circuit to turn off the amplifier and turntable when record stops playing. Does not require an internal wiring change.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1978 (v.1#2) pg. 7

Convert turntable into radio-phono combination.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1964 (v.20#6) pg. 49

Simple, inexpensive phono balance.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1965 (v.22#2) pg. 68

Replace tube-type amplifiers in inexpensive phonographs with a transistorized amplifier. Est. cost: $10.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1966 (v.25#3) pg. 41

Build a direct-drive turntable which features automatic pitch control and meter-readout strobe. Est. cost: $160 (kit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1975 (v.8#6) pg. 41

A look at the National Semiconductor IC type LM389. Supplied in an 18-pin DIP, the device is composed of three uncommited npn transistors and a low-power integrated audio amplifier in a single package. Might be usable in AM & FM receivers, walkie-talkies, tape recorders, toys, games...etc. Circuits for a phono amplifier and tape recorder are shown.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1976 (v.10#3) pg. 92

Circuit for a scratch filter to attenuate the surface noise on old 78-rpm phonograph records.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1978 (v.13#2) pg. 84

Vary the speed of synchronous motors with this programmable control. DC-to-AC inverter can be used to control motors in tape drives, turntables, telescopes, electrical timepieces, etc.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1981 (v.19#4) pg. 65
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1981 (v.19#8) pg. 7

Modify your turntable to play 78-rpm records.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1982 (v.20#4) pg. 77

Simple turntable repairs that you can do. Tips on troubleshooting motors, belts/pulleys, wow/flutter, etc.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1989 (v.6#9) pg. 76

Convert a 78-rpm mono phono to LP stereo and microphones.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1963 (v.119#5) pg. 177

Stereo and AM radio in a suitcase for $48.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1963 (v.119#6) pg. 116

A five-way radio breadboard includes a wireless mike, touch alarm, code transmitter, phono oscillator, and AM receiver.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1965 (v.123#4) pg. 196

Twelve record changer troubles you can cure.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1966 (v.126#2) pg. 170

Results of Popular Mechanics tests of eleven single play turntables under $130.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1976 (v.145#4) pg. 90

Build a power meter and stylus timer for your hi-fi system. It tells how many watts are getting to your speakers and how many hours your phonograph stylus has been tracking grooves.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1981 (v.156#5) pg. 85

Solutions to 10 common turntable problems.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1983 (v.160#6) pg. 61

A guide to automatic turntables that range from moderately-priced to top-of-the-line models. Notes on some extras that should be present, what to look for and comments on different styles of tracking mechanisms.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1974 (v.204#6) pg. 69

Turntable design. Part 2. Design elements in the turntable drive and suspension system.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1980 (v.51#2) pg. 66

Antique radios with built-in phonographs and phono adapters. Tips on troubleshooting.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1985 (v.56#12) pg. 90

Build a simple stroboscope to check the speed of a turntable.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1986 (v.57#8) pg. 8

Causes and solutions for two common record-player problems. (1) Howling or ringing noise in the music. (2) Groove skipping and/or warped records.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1988 (v.59#7) pg. 74

Convert an inexpensive child's phonograph into a compact portable stereo player. Est. cost: $22.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER #772 Feb-Mar 1966 (v.20#1) pg. 47
Added Info RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Dec 1968-Jan 1969 (v.25#3) pg. 30

Upgrade a child's phonograph turntable through the addition of three solid-state modules, amplifier, power supply, and rectifier/filter module. Est. cost: $11.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Jun-Jul 1969 (v.26#3) pg. 43

Convert a child's phonograph into a portable stereo phonograph. Est. cost: $22.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May 1968 (v.39#5) pg. 61

Tips on a system suitable for playing old 78 RPM phono records.
SPEAKER BUILDER 4/1986 [Oct 1986] (v.7#4) pg. 44