Audio water tap. Build a floating, waterproof microphone that can be used to detect the sound of fish and other underwater objects in a fish tank. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Spring 1994 pg. 78
Build the marine life acoustic sensor. Eavesdrop on underwater sounds with this handheld electromechanical listening device that works on the same principle as the passive sonar device in submarines. It incorporates an acoustic transducer, a high-gain amplifier, and connections for headphones, speaker, or tape recorder. ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1997 (v.68#10) pg. 41
Audio amplifier experiments. Includes construction of a simple audio amplifier, underwater hydrophone, light-sensor/amplifier combinations, and a basic "photophone" system. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1986 (v.3#4) pg. 66
Hydronics receiver and special pickup antenna is used to listen to fish "talk". Est. cost: $10. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1966 (v.25#1) pg. 63
Underwater fish detector (hydrophone). Est. cost: $15. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1971 (v.35#2) pg. 48
Floating microphone and amplifier allows listening to the fish in a tank. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 61
Two inexpensive hydrophones, one for substantial depths and a more sensitive one for shallow water. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1964 (v.210#3) pg. 131
Details of construction and techniques of assembly of a simple hydrophone, a device that converts underwater vibrations into weak electrical signals. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1970 (v.223#2) pg. 116