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Index To How To Do It Information
Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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The Index To How To Do It Information (HTDI Index) was created to aid public and college libraries in locating how-to articles in magazines to which they subscribe. Therefore, you must contact your local public library to see if they have the issue referred to by the index within their magazine collection or will secure a copy from another library. Also ask your librarian to provide you with the current address of the publisher of the magazine and check to see if the publisher can provide a copy of the article. In November 2012, the magazine collection accumulated by Norman Lathrop Enterprises and itemized in the UNION LIST was donated to the Akron-Summit County Public Library (60 S.High St., Akron OH 44326). For a fee, they may be willing to provide a copy of most articles cited in the HTDI Index. Contact them at 330-643-9075 or online at

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Access to the Web version of the Index To How To Do It Information (HTDI) is being made freely available to individuals and institutions subject to the understanding that the entire HTDI Index is a copyrighted work and all rights are reserved to Norman Lathrop Enterprises (2342 Star Dr., Wooster OH 44691). The contents of this database, in whole or in part, may not be offered for sale by anyone except Norman Lathrop Enterprises. Online users of the HTDI Index are subject to monitoring by NLE using statistical and analytical programs. Access to the online version of the HTDI Index is offered solely at the discretion of Norman Lathrop Enterprises and access is not guaranteed to continue.

The following two book formats of the Index To How To Do It Information are considered to be the only archival versions.
1963-1989 INDEX . This accumulation replaced 27 annual supplements and three accumulations covering the period 1963-1989. 8.5″x11″ paper-bound, two-volume set. Published 1993.
1990-1999 INDEX . This accumulation replaced six annual supplements (1990, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998), completed indexing of three missing years (1991, 1992, 1993), and published the 1999 entries for the first time. 8.5″x11″ hardbound volume. Published 2002.


Multistriped jerkin has side ties, a slashed neck line and extended shoulders with deep armholes.
GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEEDLECRAFT Spring-Summer 1978 pg. 61, 116

Crocheted woman's tabard with accent bands of color and a large front pocket.
LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Spring-Summer 1979 (v.9#2) pg. 58, 101

Child's tabard is crocheted in stripes and trimmed with braided fringe on the sides.
McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Fall 1978 (v.23#3) pg. 121, 24

Woman's crocheted tabard top buttons closed at the sides.
McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jun 1984 (v.29#3) pg. 21, 102

"Super-Easy" Long tabard with vertical stripes on each side is worked in single crochet.
WOMAN'S DAY Jan 9 1978 (v.41#5) pg. 66, 104

Tie tabard is worked in single crochet on a big hook.
WOMAN'S DAY Nov 20 1978 (v.42#3) pg. 74, 254

"One size fits all" tabard is crocheted in two bands that are sewn together for 18" to form the back. Front panels end in pockets.
WORKBASKET Apr 1978 (v.43#7) pg. 37

Crocheted rainbow tabard has metal hooks down the front.
WORKBASKET Sep 1978 (v.43#12) pg. Cover, 6

Tabard with a crocheted angel on the front and two ties on each side.
WORKBASKET Nov 1978 (v.44#2) pg. 38

Crocheted shell-pattern tabard.
WORKBASKET May 1979 (v.44#8) pg. 32

Woman's boatneck tabard is worked in a pattern stitch created by front and back double crochets.
WORKBASKET April 1986 (v.51#6) pg. 50

Woman's crocheted tabard with large palm trees embroidered on the front.
WORKBASKET Jun-Jul 1986 (v.51#8) pg. 8

Girl's tabard crocheted in basket weave. Intermediate skill level.
WORKBASKET Apr 1988 (v.53#6) pg. 46