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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1025A Previous Report (1024A)  |  Next Report (1026A)
INDEX NAME:  Index to Early Newspapers of Coldwater, Michigan
  • BRANCH COUNTY JOURNAL Coldwater MI 1851(#11)-1853(#1)
  • COLDWATER REPUBLICAN Coldwater MI 1868(May 2)-1897(Mar 23)
  • COLDWATER SENTINEL Coldwater MI 1841(Apr 16)-1854(May 26)
  • COLDWATER SENTINEL Coldwater MI 1866(Apr 27)-1870(Nov 3)
  • COLDWATER UNION SENTINEL Coldwater MI 1864(Apr 22)-1866(Apr 13)
  • COURIER Coldwater MI 1882(#4)-1897(Mar 19)
  • COURIER Coldwater MI 1906(Apr 30)-1912(Dec 31)
  • COURIER & REPUBLICAN Coldwater MI 1897(Mar 26)-1906(Apr 27)
COMPILER:  Phyllis Holbrook
10 E. Chicago
Coldwater MI 49036
Telephone: (517) 278-2341
AVAILABILITY:  Both the subject section (5 volumes) and the biographical section (8 volumes) are available for use at the Branch County Library. Photocopies of index pages and corresponding newspaper articles will be made upon request for a fee. The five volume subject section was published in a limited edition by the Michigan Department of State History Division. The plan was to make the index available to all major research libraries in the Midwest. Copies of the subject section are available for use at the Michigan Historical Collections (Bently Historical Library; University of Michigan; Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104).
SCOPE OF INDEX:  This index is intended as a key to the storehouse of local historical information hidden within old Coldwater newspapers owned by the Coldwater Public Library. The subject index has 1500 subject headings. The biographical index has 6400 family names. An individual may appear in the subject section under the name of an organization and/or in the biography section under his full name, his initials, his nickname of other form as used by the newspaper. State, national and international news were not indexed except in cases where Coldwater and Branch County were directly involved.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  Typed on 8½x11 paper. Two sections, SUBJECT and BIOGRAPHY. Subject section in alphabetical order by broad topics, comprises five volumes. Biography section in alphabetical order by family name, comprises 8 volumes. This is primarily a citation index, giving the date of newspaper where an article related to a specific subject or name will be found. Occasionally, a word or phrase or headline is appended to the citation to clarify the subject or name. Page numbers are not usually included in the citation. Under each subject heading or personal name, all of the citations for the same newspaper are given in chronological order. A code is used to represent the name of the paper. The subject section makes extensive use of cross references to guide the user to related subjects. Occasional cross references are used in the biography section.
SIZE OF INDEX:  The five volume subject section has 905 pages. There are 2535 pages in the entire index.
Anita Cheek Milner. NEWSPAPER INDEXES: A LOCATION & SUBJECT GUIDE FOR RESEARCHERS. Scarecrow Press, Metuchen NJ, 1977.
SAMPLE ILLUSTRATION:  Portions of pages from both the subject and biography sections are illustrated.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)