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Lathrop Report On Newspaper Indexes
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This report is extracted from the 1000 Section (Confirmed Newspaper Indexes) of the 1979-1980 Edition of LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES: An illustrated guide to published and unpublished newspaper indexes in the United States and Canada.   Either a compiler, publisher or repository had confirmed the existance of this index and supplied information for the report. See the INTRODUCTION for the methodology used in compiling the LATHROP REPORT.

REPORT NO:  1102A Previous Report (1101A)  |  Next Report (1103A)
  • DES MOINES REGISTER Des Moines IA 1800's(late)-Current
  • DES MOINES TRIBUNE Des Moines IA 1800's(late)-Current
Newspaper Library
State Historical Building
East 12th and Grand Ave
Des Moines IA 50319
Telephone: (515) 281-5112
AVAILABILITY:  Only one copy of this card file index exists. It must be used in the Newspaper Library of the Iowa State Historical Department. The index must be used by an employee of the library as it is not available for the public to browse through.
SCOPE OF INDEX:  The index deals with only the most important events that have occured in Iowa's history, plus the important people in Iowa. There are also a few cards of interest that deal with famous people in history and famous events. There is a separate listing which tells about the lives of Senators and Representatives from Iowa.
FORMAT OF INDEX:  A 3x5 card file index arranged in alphabetical order by subject and personal name. Entries are one per card and consist of the headline and an occasional annotation, followed by the citation. The citation consists of the name of the paper, the date (mo/dy/yr), section, page and column.
SIZE OF INDEX:  About 10 to 30 cards (entries) per week are added to the current index.
    (Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration)