Last Updated 03/31/2019
INDEX NAME: Florida Times-Union Index |
- FLORIDA TIMES UNION Jacksonville FL 1895-1911;1915-1925;1929;1938;1941;1943-1946;1948-Current
- JACKSONVILLE JOURNAL Jacksonville FL 1925-1938
JACKSONVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY 122 N. Ocean St Jacksonville FL 32202 Telephone: (904) 663-2087
AVAILABILITY: The early years of the index have been reproduced on microfilm. The later years consist of bound annual volumes. The Jacksonville Public Library will make the microfilm master available for duplicating by another agency. Both microfilm and books are available for public use in the Jacksonville Public Library and selected libraries within Florida. |
SCOPE OF INDEX: The current index to the Florida Times-Union includes news of statewide interest with emphasis on news from the Northeast Florida area. Obituaries are included. Omitted from the index are accidents, crime (with exception of court sentencing), regular columns and features. |
FORMAT OF INDEX: The current year's index is in the form of handwritten 3x5 cards, arranged in alphabetical order by subject. At the end of each year, the index is typewritten onto 8½x11 inch pages, several copies are reproduced and the index distributed to selected Florida libraries. Entries are arranged in alphabetical order by subject or personal name and then in chronological order. Entries consist of a brief description of the article followed by the citation (mo-dy-yr*section-page-column). |
SIZE OF INDEX: About 4575 entries per year are added to the current index. |
1. Herbert O. Brayer. "Preliminary guide to indexed newspapers in the United States, 1850-1900". Mississippi Valley Historical Review, v.33, #2, Sept. 2, 1946.
2. "Indexes of Florida newspapers". Florida Libraries, v.20, p.87, June 1969.
3. Norma Olin Ireland. LOCAL INDEXES IN AMERICAN LIBRARIES. Faxon, Boston MA, 1947.
(Click this link to view the original report, including any accompanying illustration) |
LATHROP REPORT ON NEWSPAPER INDEXES. 1979-1980 Edition. Copyright © 1979 by Norman Lathrop Enterprises. ISBN 0-910868-10-7. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior expressed permission of Norman Lathrop Enterprises, except as permitted by law.
Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the report at the time of publication.
However, it is imperative that the user contact the organization cited in a report for the current status of the index, especially if planning to visit the institution and do research using the index.