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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Gem tumbler made from large tin can and small electric motor.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1965 (v.55#11) pg. 79

Gem tumbler made from large tin can, small electric motor and plastic bleach bottles.
BOYS' LIFE Nov 1966 (v.56#11) pg. 60

Gem tumbler built from paint can, electric motor, and miscellaneous wood and hardware. Est. cost: $5.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #519 Jan 1981 pg. 39

Tip: Use broken silicon carbide grinding wheels to charge rock tumblers.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #520 Feb 1981 pg. 30

Tip: Line tumblers with discarded offset press blankets.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #527 Sep 1981 pg. 78

Tip: Technique to tumble polish freeform cabochons.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #528 Oct 1981 pg. 49

Tip: Use large glass peanut butter jars when polishing jewelry with a barrel tumbler.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #528 Oct 1981 pg. 49

How to tumble polish gemstones. Conventional techniques and methods used by professionals are described.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #535 May 1982 pg. 26

How to make jewelry with tumble polished gemstones.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #535 May 1982 pg. 38

Tip: Use toilet tissue to help in the final polish for tumbling.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #543 Jan 1983 pg. 27

Tips on repairing worn-out hoppers for the Mini-Sonic vibrating tumblers.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #551 Sep 1983 pg. 52

Tip: Use lime along with the grit for gemstone tumbling. This helps reduce foaming.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #562 Aug 1984 pg. 20

Tip: Make your own tumbler barrels from plastic sewer pipe and caps.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #562 Aug 1984 pg. 21

Tip: Use colored rock dye to add color to cracked quartz crystals which are going to be tumbled.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #562 Aug 1984 pg. 21

Vibra-tumbling. Tips on using the vibrating tumbler to polish delicate rocks and minerals, such as obsidian needles. How to make necklaces and earrings from these needles.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1978 (v.32#7) pg. 1508

Apache tears. Tips on how to tumble polish Apache tears and obsidian.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1978 (v.32#9) pg. 1982

Tumbled gems. Furnishes a review of how to select a tumbler and carrying agents to meet your needs.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1979 (v.33#1) pg. 88

Collecting Minerals, a Handbook..." Part 5. A summary of ways to produce gemstone jewelry. Tips on tumbling, cutting, cabochons, lapping and carving.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1979 (v.33#2) pg. 538

How to modify 14 Wessex-Impex tumbler barrels to run from one 1/4 h.p. motor.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1979 (v.33#2) pg. 540

A method for cleaning the contents of a tumbler after each tumbler cycle.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1980 (v.33#11) pg. 2320

The rock tumbler. How to select and use one.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1982 (v.36#7) pg. 1162

Timely tips for efficient tumbling.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1985 (v.39#9) pg. 15

Tip: Add jeweler's rough to tumbler in the polish stage.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1986 (v.39#10) pg. 71

Tip: Add small squares of rubber to the polish stage to keep stones moving.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1986 (v.40#1) pg. 79

Getting started. The beginners guide to creating a jewel. Jewelry maker explains the basics of cutting a cabochon, from trimming a slab of gem rough to bringing up the final polish. Also includes information on tumbling.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1986 (v.40#6) pg. 36

Creative tumbling. When skillfully used, vibratory tumblers are a terrific asset in many stages of gem cutting and jewely making.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1987 (v.41#8) pg. 51

Tackling tumbling. What a tumbler can do and how it does it.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1989 (v.43#7) pg. 61

Tip on using crushed walnut shells in a vibratory tumbler.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1990 (v.43#11) pg. 104

Tip on using pieces of grinding wheels in the first grind in a tumbler.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1990 (v.44#1) pg. 222

Tip on using Styrofoam chips (packaging peanuts) as the polish carrier for the final run of tumbled stones.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 82

Tip on tumbling Apache tears.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1990 (v.44#3) pg. 93

Tip on reducing the noise from a rock tumbler.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1990 (v.44#6) pg. 98

Tip on dry burnishing tumbled stones using "Tide" detergent.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1994 (v.47#11) pg. 127

Tip describes how to tumble Apache tears (nodules of obsidian formed in perlite beads).
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1996 (v.50#4) pg. 114

Tip on tumbling agate slabs.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1996 (v.50#5) pg. 112

How to build a wind-driven gem tumbler.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1977 (v.33#5) pg. 46