Added Info HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Sep 1988 (v.5#9) pg. 4
All about microphones. Covers resistive, crystal, dynamic, velocity, condenser, and electrostatic microphones.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Dec 1988 (v.5#12) pg. 67
Microphone which can be varied from unidirectional pattern to cardoid pattern. Unit uses photoflood reflector as a lens to focus sound on microphone.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1966 (v.30#12) pg. 44
A primer on microphones used with sound movie cameras.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Christmas 1976 (v.40#13) pg. 36
Selecting and using microphones when making sound movies.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1980 (v.44#7) pg. 55
Tips on selecting microphones and controlling acoustics in motion picture sound recording.
PHOTOMETHODS Sep 1975 (v.18#9) pg. 40
Putting the audio into audiovisual. Training your ears to be sound-critical. Tips on using microphones and loudspeakers.
PHOTOMETHODS Jan 1981 (v.24#1) pg. 35
Tubular microphone amplifies distant sounds.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1964 (v.20#6) pg. 51
Circuit allows the use of a loudspeaker as a microphone in an intercom circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1973 (v.3#4) pg. 100
Microphones for CB'ers and hams. How they work and which ones to choose.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1974 (v.5#1) pg. 52
What to look for in selecting a good mike for hi-fi recording.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1975 (v.7#1) pg. 22
Proper technique for talking into a CB microphone.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1975 (v.7#5) pg. 70
Tips on placement of microphones for recording musical instruments.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1977 (v.12#1) pg. 22
Build an antique Hughes-type microphone. Experiments in converting sonic vibrations into electrical impulses and then back again to sound.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 69
Using a parabolic reflector to pickup distant or faint sounds. Est. cost: $50.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1972 (v.137#3) pg. 116
Special microphone incorporates an audio compressor and VOX circuit. It will turn on your recorder at the sound of a voice and keep the recording level automatically adjusted.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1973 (v.203#4) pg. 134
All about microphones. How the operate and how to select the one that's best for your job.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1979 (v.50#10) pg. 101
Micro-sized amplifier can be built using either SMD (surface-mount devices) or conventional components. SMD version fits on PC board under 1"x1". Use it for both a home-brewed "Big-Ear" type microphone and a super snooper. Est. cost: $20.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.59#8) pg. 33, 67
Super-directional horn-style microphone that outperforms many costly commercial designs. The horn is made from corrugated cardboard.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1990 (v.61#7) pg. 41
Converting the old style "candlestick" desk telephone to a unique microphone.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER #772 Feb-Mar 1966 (v.20#1) pg. 60
Directional microphone for recording bird songs and insect noises on a battery-powered tape recorder. The addition of an electronic trigger will automatically turn the recorder on and off in response to sounds. Analysis of the recorded noise is assisted by graphing the noise on an electrocardiograph.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1974 (v.230#2) pg. 110
How to record nature's sounds using a parabolic dish to isolate one particular sound and screen out the rest.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jan 1996 (v.274#1) pg. 96
Stereo microphone set is built around the Panasonic omnidirectional electret condenser microphone capsule.
SPEAKER BUILDER 3/1985 [Aug 1985] (v.6#3) pg. 42
Contact pickup (contact microphone, acoustic transducer) is made from a piezoelectric buzzer.
SPEAKER BUILDER 2/1989 [Mar 1989] (v.10#2) pg. 53
Mitey Mike. Build a good free-field microphone with a frequency response of 20Hz to 20kHz for testing loudspeakers. Est. cost: $50.
SPEAKER BUILDER 6/1990 [Nov 1990] (v.11#6) pg. 10
Correction SPEAKER BUILDER 3/1991 [Jun 1991] (v.12#3) pg. 72
Added Info SPEAKER BUILDER 5/1992 [Sep 1992] (v.13#5) pg. 56
Added Info SPEAKER BUILDER 6/1992 [Dec 1992] (v.13#6) pg. 54
Correction SPEAKER BUILDER 3/1994 [Apr 1994] (v.15#3) pg. 64
Added Info SPEAKER BUILDER 1/1997 [Feb 1997] (v.18#1) pg. 8
Mitey Mike II. An upgraded version of the popular high-performance, low-cost mike system for loudspeaker and acoutic measurements can also be used for recording and performance. This new version is smaller, lighter, quieter, costs less, and uses less power.
SPEAKER BUILDER 4/1997 [Jun 1997] (v.18#4) pg. 10
Tip on converting the Radio Shack PZM microphone to a balanced microphone by replacing the phone connector with an XLR male connector.
VIDEOMAKER May 1995 (v.9#11) pg. 8
The techniques of using lavalier mikes.
VIDEOMAKER Jan 1996 (v.10#7) pg. 28
Choosing the right external microphone to use when filming a video. A comparison of the various pickup patterns and other physical qualities.
VIDEOMAKER Jul 1996 (v.11#1) pg. 57
Basic principles of choosing and using microphones for videomaking.
VIDEOMAKER Sep 1996 (v.11#3) pg. 29
Answers to some of the most common questions posed about microphones for videomaking.
VIDEOMAKER Oct 1996 (v.11#4) pg. 97