All tooled up. Description of the most useful hand tools for model building. AERO MODELLER #690 Jul 1993 (v.58) pg. 38
Guide to power tools most useful to aeromodellers. AERO MODELLER #692 Sep 1993 (v.58) pg. 38
A model building work center you can make. Provides a work-table surface of Homasote and a bulletin board. BOYS' LIFE Nov 1973 (v.63#11) pg. 44
Tip: Use tweezers to hold small parts, but use a spring clothespin to clamp the tweezers. BOYS' LIFE Mar 1990 (v.80#3) pg. 15
Advice on the right tools for plastic modeling. BOYS' LIFE Nov 1992 (v.82#11) pg. 70
Four woodworking jigs and tools for makers of miniatures. They help with accurate measuring, marking, holding and fastening. DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Jan 1998 (v.28#1) pg. 64
List suggests the tools needed in basic kit for a beginning miniaturist. DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Sep 1998 (v.28#9) pg. 12
A guide for miniaturists on getting a professional cut by using good techniques and the right knife. DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Nov 1998 (v.28#11) pg. 35
Wooden model makers tray features a center work surface and small compartments on each end for tools and parts. FAMILY CIRCLE Nov 1 1980 (v.93#15) pg. 65, 118
Model building board (hobby tray) can be placed on top of a desk, kitchen table, etc. FAMILY HANDYMAN #253 Nov 1984 (v.34#9) pg. 78
Three router-powered setups for precision work. (1) Combination saw, shaper, & jointer. (2) Duplicating lathe. (3) Miniature pin router. Ideal for 1/12 scale miniature modeling. FINE WOODWORKING #40 May-Jun 1983 pg. 58
Make small parts holder from alligator clips and dowel. FINESCALE MODELER Nov 1989 (v.7#7) pg. 80
Modeling with a magnetic jig. Build an alignment work surface by attaching a rubber magnetic sheet to a piece of plywood, drawing an accurate grid work on the surface, and using metal angle plates to hold model components in proper alignment while glue hardens. FINESCALE MODELER Sep 1993 (v.11#6) pg. 32
Tips on modifying the ends of clothespin "clamps" to fit around model details. FINESCALE MODELER Jul 1994 (v.12#5) pg. 64
Tip on modifying a hobby-knife blade for scribing. FINESCALE MODELER Jan 1996 (v.14#1) pg. 65
Tiny disk sander is made from a pencil (or dowel) and small discs made with a paper punch. FINESCALE MODELER Oct 1996 (v.14#8) pg. 70
Punch-and-die possibilities. Using precision punch-and-die sets to make precise discs from plastic, or punch precise holes into plastic. Useful for replicating drilled holes, bezels, knobs, dial faces, rivets, finned cylinder heads, etc. FINESCALE MODELER Apr 1998 (v.16#4) pg. 60
The AutoFile. A simple magnetic jig for modelers can solve your alignment problems when assembling an automobile chassis and attaching the wheels. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Jan 1992 (v.4#2) pg. 14
Recommended tools for assembly of plastic models. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Nov 1993 (v.6#1) pg. 28
Tip on using a piece of metal tape measure as a sanding block for narrow slots and crevices. IPMS/USA JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1997 (v.9#2) pg. 34
Build a miniature battery-powered disk sander for model making. MODEL AVIATION May 1991 (v.17#5) pg. 41
Tip shows how to reassemble an ordinary spring-loaded wooden clothespin into a useful clamp for model making. MODEL AVIATION Aug 1992 (v.18#8) pg. 72
Tip on making a modeling knife from a hacksaw blade. MODEL AVIATION Dec 1996 (v.22#12) pg. 168
Tip on tools to make model making easier. (1) Long sanding blocks. (2) Gripping tools. (3) Soldering tools. MODEL AVIATION Oct 1997 (v.23#10) pg. 91
Jig converts a portable power plane into a "thickness planer" for making thin stock (0.25mm) for model making purposes. MODEL BOATS #548 Oct 1996 (v.46) pg. 5
Tips on modifying the jaw profile of spring-style clothes pins to make them into more versatile modeling clamps. MODEL BOATS #552 Feb 1997 (v.47) pg. 25
A modeler's toolbox. Essential tools to make your model railroading more enjoyable. MODEL RAILROADER Feb 1996 (v.63#2) pg. 92
Adjustable, locking, third-hand positioning tools are made from aluminum door track, rabbit ear antennas with universal joint base, alligator clips, and thumbscrews. MODEL RAILROADER Dec 1997 (v.64#12) pg. 26
Build a rail car cradle. Consists of a padded box to securely hold the model during assembly, and an open parts bin to keep small parts from getting lost. MODEL RAILROADER Nov 1998 (v.65#11) pg. 125
Tools. A consensus view of what every model railroader should have. MODEL RAILROADER Jun 1999 (v.66#6) pg. 104
Jewellers' tools for miniatures. Part 1. (A) Pattern for a lightweight jeweller's bench which is ideal for working on miniatures. (B) Tools for holding material being worked. MODELLING & MINIATURE CRAFTS #8 Jul 1989 pg. 20
Jewellers' tools for miniatures. Part 2. Eye loupes and waste removal (sawing, filing, etc.). MODELLING & MINIATURE CRAFTS #9 Jan 1990 pg. 73
Tools for the miniaturist summarized. Includes both small tools and larger power tools that are helpful. NUTSHELL NEWS Feb 1996 (v.26#2) pg. 24
A model maker's workbench. A 17"x30" top with a 17"x12" dropleaf on one end. Fourteen shallow drawers hold tools. Small metal lathe, vise and larger tools store in the roomy bottom compartment where they sit directly on the floor. Unit is 27" high. Built mostly of 1/2" plywood. Est. cost: $27. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1972 (v.137#2) pg. 124
Adjustable balsa slicer uses a razor blade to cut thin balsa wood into strips. POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1982 (v.158#6) pg. 95
Portable tote trays, stored on wall-mounted adjustable brackets, serve as storage for several model making or kit-building projects in process at the same time. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1971 (v.199#6) pg. 104
Build a glass-topped paint and glue booth for use when building models. The booth sets in front of an open window equipped with a fan to draw out the fumes. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1988 (v.232#6) pg. 116
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1988 (v.233#3) pg. 8
Model builder's hand vise. Build a small, all-metal machinist-style vise. Use the vise to clamp and hold small objects securely in your hand while cutting, filing, etc. PROJECTS IN METAL Oct 1988 (v.1#5) pg. 22
Clamping jig for keeping aircraft fuselages level while building to facilitate accurate thrust line settings. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Mar 1990 (v.32#3) pg. 234
Building a field support table for model airplanes that folds flat when not in use. RADIO CONTROL MODELS & ELECTRONICS Dec 1994 (v.37#12) pg. 70
Miniature sawbench (miniature table saw) is powered by an electric fan motor and features an adjustable guide fence. Uses a 35mm diameter bone saw. WOODWORKER #1027 Jun 1979 (v.83) pg. 331
Model maker's workbench. Top measures 50"x24" with a full length tool tray and a vise. Beneath the bench is a 7 drawer storage cabinet (17" wide). Built from solid maple and plywood. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1983 (v.7#5) pg. 42
Model maker's tool chest. Seven small drawers in a chest with a handle. Designed for small hand tools with recessed spaces shaped for each tool. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1966 (v.22#5) pg. 42
Workbench for model builders includes knee-hole desk, storage for long lengths of stock in bins at the back, and a tool backboard. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1971 (v.27#4) pg. 28
Model maker's jointer. Use a simple wooden jig, a drill press, and a counterbore bit to joint small pieces of wood. WORKBENCH May-Jun 1979 (v.35#3) pg. 91
Tip: Use screw type earrings as miniature C-clamps when doing model making. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1981 (v.37#6) pg. 93