Wide-range ohmmeter reads from 0.1 ohm to 1000 megaohm using a single scale on a 4.5" meter. AUDIO AMATEUR 2/1984 [May 1984] (v.15#2) pg. 36
Milliohn tester. Measure low resistances with this super simple circuit that connects to your DMM. Est. cost: $11 (kit). ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1996 pg. 82
Build a one-amp current injector. This digital multimeter (DMM) accessory will enable you to accurately measure a resistance down to the nearest 0.0001 ohm. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 77
A low-range ohmmeter lets you measure resistance between 10 milliohms and 40 ohms full-scale. Est. cost: $20. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 63
Milliohm tester. Measure low resistances (1 milliohm to 1 ohm) with this simple circuit that connects to any digital multimeter (DMM). Est. cost: $11 (kit). ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1995 (v.66#2) pg. 59
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW May 1995 (v.66#5) pg. 10
Milli-ohm adapter extends the range of your DMM (digital multimeter) down to the milliohm level (10 milliohms to 5 ohms). ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1996 (v.67#11) pg. 40
Using the 7107 integrated circuit chip. It is a combination analog-to-digital converter, reference voltage, timing clock, and decoder/driver circuit for 7-segment LED displays. Circuits shown for a digital voltmeter, DC current meter, resistance meter, capacitance meter, frequency meter, etc. ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1996 (v.67#11) pg. 55
Correction ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1997 (v.68#2) pg. 12
Simple circuit for making an ohmmeter. ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1997 (v.68#7) pg. 12
A simple linear laboratory-quality ohmmeter. ELECTRONICS WORLD May 1970 (v.83#5) pg. 60
Explanation and use of meters. Volt, Ohm, Milliammeters, Meggars, and Galvanometers. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1966 (v.2#2) pg. 21
Highly sensitive ohmmeter which will detect resistance changes in the order of 0.5% (when connected across a resistance of from 100,000-ohms to 1-megohm). Used to measure a plant's response to noise, light, watering, etc. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1974 (v.14#2) pg. 34
Build an "old time" (vintage 1932) style ohmeter for testing those antique radios. Features a built-in potentiometer and a push button for easy calibration to zero when changing ranges. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1978 (v.18#5) pg. 75
Making milliohm measurements. Getting an accurate milliohm reading is easy when you know the correct method. Includes a schematic for an analog millivoltmeter. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1986 (v.3#3) pg. 84
Tips on calibrating ammeters, ohmmeters, wattmeters, etc. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Nov 1979 (v.68#8) pg. 48
100,000-megohm-input meter indicates static electricity. Ultrasensitive electrometer-type voltage/current meter (picoammeter) expands your measurement world to one-trillionth of an ampere and a trillion ohms. Est. cost: $38. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 24
Bus-line tracer. Novel instrument speeds circuit troubleshooting by audibly indicating defective components along a bus line without disconnecting them. Use this substitute for a costly 5.5-digit micro-ohmmeter to locate a shorted or leaky component or a solder bridge. Est. cost: $59. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1988 (v.5#8) pg. 24
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1988 (v.5#10) pg. 89
Digital milliohmmeter adapter lets you accurately measure less than 1 ohm with a digital multimeter (DMM). MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1989 (v.6#3) pg. 35
Milli-ohm adapter extends the range of your DMM down to as low as 10 micro-ohms. POPTRONIX EXPERIMENTER HANDBOOK Summer 1997 pg. 58
Expanded resistance ranges for your DMM. Two simple circuits will let you take lower and higher measurements of resistance. POPTRONIX HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Winter 1996 pg. 84
A practical expanded scale milliohmmeter has two useful ranges: 0-1 ohm and 0-0.1 ohm. Est. cost: $18. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1970 (v.33#4) pg. 78
Constant-current circuit can be used with your VTVM to provide a linear-scale ohmmeter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1972 (v.1#5) pg. 45
Linear-scale ohmmeter covers from zero to 10 megohms in seven ranges. Unit also measures 3 ranges of dc millivolts (10, 100 and 1 volt) at 10 megohms per volt. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1973 (v.4#3) pg. 51
Circuit for a linear scale ohmeter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1975 (v.7#1) pg. 90
Build a pair of "lazy-leads". Eliminate switching leads when testing semiconductors with an ohmmeter by using this simple device. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1979 (v.15#6) pg. 78
Low-ohms adapter. Accurately measure resistances down to 0.01 ohm with this low-cost plug-in adapter for any common digital multimeter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 36
Meter-range extender circuits that increase the sensitivity of an analog current meter. (1) Amplified DC microammeter. (2) Low-voltage voltmeter. (3) Meter-calibration circuit. (4) Low-range ohmmeter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1991 (v.8#4) pg. 77
All about meters. What you need to know to design ammeters, voltmeters, and ohmmeters. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1991 (v.8#5) pg. 28
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1991 (v.8#8) pg. 4
Build a one-amp current injector. This DMM (digital multimeter) accessory will enable you to accurately measure a resistance down to the nearest 0.0001 ohm. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1992 (v.9#11) pg. 46
DMM accessories. (1) Megohn adapter to measure very large resistance values (up to 1 gigohm). (2) Milliohm adapter measures ultra-low resistance. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1996 (v.13#3) pg. 66
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1997 (v.14#1) pg. 58
Using digital panel meters to enhance the look and performance of your next project. Circuits include: (1) AC power supply, (2) DC-to-DC supply, (3) DC ammeter, (4) automobile voltage monitor, (5) digital DC voltmeter, and (6) low-ohms meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1996 (v.13#10) pg. 39
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1997 (v.14#1) pg. 6
A collection of troubleshooting circuits. (1) Voltage testers. (2) Polarity indicator. (3) Continuity tester. (4) Transformer tester. (5) Meter resistance tester. (6) Intermittently-open circuit tester. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1997 (v.14#8) pg. 67
How to use an ohmmeter (VOM) to test and troubleshoot home appliances. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1987 (v.164#10) pg. 103
Constant-current ohmmeter can be used to test current sensitive components and has better accuracy in the lowest resistance range. POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1969 (v.194#4) pg. 53
Convert your old calculator into a (1) digital capacitance meter, (2) digital ohmmeter, (3) digital stopwatch, (4) shutter-speed tester, (5), tachometer, (6) light meter, or (7) speedometer. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1982 (v.53#3) pg. 70
Build this pocket calibrator for volts and ohms. Use it to calibrate your test equipment. Est. cost: $35. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1982 (v.53#6) pg. 49
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1982 (v.53#9) pg. 23
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1982 (v.53#11) pg. 14
Op-amps show their versatility in instrumentation circuits. Includes circuits for rectifier, peak detector, AC/DC converter, voltmeter, ammeter, ohmmeter, voltage reference, and power supply. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1989 (v.60#9) pg. 59
Experimenting with PC-based test equipment. Part 2. Volt/ohmmeter. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1991 (v.62#6) pg. 48
Mini-Ohmer. A shunt-type ohmmeter which measures small resistances, up to 10 ohms. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Jun-Jul 1967 (v.22#3) pg. 83