A 12" square still life of a bouquet of anemones and a pitcher is worked on 16-mesh canvas. AMERICAN HOME CRAFTS Fall 1978 (v.6#4) pg. 70, 102
Circular "Jon's Moon" needlepoint with a three-dimensional effect. A 1977 Paternayan contest winner. AMERICAN HOME CRAFTS Fall 1978 (v.6#4) pg. 76, 107
How to make a quick point rose wreath picture. Instructions and a charted pattern are included. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Dec 1977 (v.55#12) pg. 86, 156, 197
Heart-shaped needlepoint picture is a summer countryside scene. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1979 (v.57#8) pg. 79, 133
Needlepoint a bouquet of flowers using the long stitch. The stitches are worked vertically in varying lengths to fill the entire canvas. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Feb 1983 (v.61#2) pg. F2
"Painting" with long stitches. Includes a pattern for a bouquet of iris. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Nov 1984 (v.62#11) pg. J3
Patterns for three needlepoint paintings. (1) A cluster of pears, (2) apples and (3) oranges. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Mar 1976 (v.6#5) pg. 56
Pattern and instructions for making a "Child in the Garden" needlepoint that uses 13 embroidery stitches. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jun 1977 (v.8#5) pg. 22, 42
Bargello picture "My vegetable garden". DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jul-Aug 1980 (v.11#6) pg. 44
Art deco in stitches. A 1931 "Delineator" magazine cover is worked in needlepoint. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Sep 1982 (v.13#7) pg. 80
Colonial Lady needlework portrait. Can be worked in either needlepoint or applique and can be framed as a portrait or used as a pillow. EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Feb 1980 (v.11#1) pg. 32
American "fishing lady" picture in needlepoint is patterned after those popular during the 18th century. EARLY AMERICAN LIFE Feb 1982 (v.13#1) pg. 32
Two summer pictures to needlepoint. (1) Seascape scene from a porch. (2) Beach cottage. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEEDLECRAFT Spring-Summer 1981 pg. 102, 153
"Cat Among Papyrus Plants" needlepoint is an interpretation of detail from a 2600 BC Middle Kingdom wall painting of a royal Egyptian fishing scene. LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Spring-Summer 1978 (v.8#2) pg. 87, 115
Siamese Shadows, a cat needlepoint picture worked all in the continental stitch. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Spring 1979 (v.24#1) pg. 119, 180
Needlepoint circus train picture. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Summer 1979 (v.24#2) pg. 73, 98
Landscape needlepoint worked in long stitches. A summer scene of flowers, fields and rolling hills. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Summer 1980 (v.25#2) pg. 58, 122
Four floral needlepoint projects: (1) Bookend slipcovers. (2) Pincushion. (3) 3-inch square picture. (4) Pencil holder. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Fall 1980 (v.25#3) pg. 111, 154
Cliffs of Paradise needlepoint. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jan-Feb 1981 (v.26#1) pg. 114, 119
Bouquet of flowers picture to work in either needlepoint or crewel embroidery. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS May-Jun 1981 (v.26#3) pg. 34, 71, 18
Quaint English cottage and garden scene is worked up quickly in long stitches on needlepoint canvas. Muted colors create a soft effect. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jul-Aug 1982 (v.27#4) pg. 82, 99
Two needlepoint portraits of nineteenth century young women. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Mar-Apr 1983 (v.28#2) pg. 56, 97
Needlepoint picture shows five mountain sheep jumping over a flowery fence. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jan-Feb 1984 (v.29#1) pg. 86, 100
Needlepoint picture of a cat in front of a window. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jun 1985 (v.30#3) pg. 50, 79
Two needlepoint pictures are close-ups of cats' eyes, nose and mouth. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Apr 1986 (v.31#2) pg. 56, 92
Picture of a herald angel is worked in channel quilting, which combines quilting, shadow applique, trapunto and embroidery. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Apr 1986 (v.31#2) pg. 62
"Fruit Crate" needlepoint. Charted designs for three needlepoint re-creations of fruit packers' labels of yesteryear: "Currants," "Fresh Blackberries" and "Fruits of California." Can be used as pillow fronts or framed as pictures. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Feb 1987 (v.32#1) pg. 74, 100
"Peony in the Shade" needlepoint picture measures 11"x14". McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Feb 1988 (v.33#2) pg. 63, 88
"Kentucky Derby" needlepoint picture designed by Marvin Smith. McCALLS NEEDLEWORK & CRAFTS Jun 1988 (v.33#4) pg. 51, 78
Parrots in needlepoint picture. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY May-Jun 1980 (v.3#3) pg. 40, 53
Wise little owl needlepoint. Shown framed in a knothole. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Mar-Apr 1981 (v.4#2) pg. 41
Winter barns in the round. One is a quilted scene framed in a hoop. The second is a needlepoint barn design. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Sep-Oct 1981 (v.4#5) pg. 14
Six fabric wall hangings or pictures. (1) Cats on a sofa, (2) Victorian exterior, (3) Victorian interior, (4) Folk art girl with cat needlepoint, (5) Photo wall hanging, and (6) Crazy quilt wall hanging. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Jan-Feb 1983 (v.6#1) pg. 8, 40, 21+
Creating needlepoint pictures from slides. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Sep-Oct 1983 (v.6#5) pg. 3
Five needlepoint pictures of wildlife. (1) African bee eaters. (2) Polar bear with cub. (3) Panda with cub. (4) Baby zebra. (5) Mola fish. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Sep-Oct 1983 (v.6#5) pg. 38, 52+, 30+
Make a long-stitch geranium picture in needlepoint. Measures 10"x10". NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Jan-Feb 1984 (v.7#1) pg. 9, 24, 39
"Stained glass" lillies needlepoint picture. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Mar-Apr 1984 (v.7#2) pg. 15, 33, 45
Three-dimensional needlepoint picture (10"x10") of a hummingbird and flowers. Flower petals and hummingbird are stitched on separate pieces of canvas and appliqued to a base canvas. A second piece of canvas, with a circular cutout is stitched in a honeycomb pattern and mounted in front of the base canvas. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #96 Mar-Apr 1990 (v.16#6) pg. 20
Needlepoint picture of an Ethiopian woman is bordered with a pattern drawn from traditional talismanic art known as "Magic Scrolls" which is designed to preserve the lady from evil. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #98 Jul-Aug 1990 (v.17#2) pg. 18, back cover
Needlepoint picture of a Yellowhead Wrasse fish is worked in upright cross, diagonal mosiac, plaited, free-form Van Dyke, raised close herringbone and Oriental stitches. Finished size is 11" square. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #98 Jul-Aug 1990 (v.17#2) pg. 26
Needlepoint picture (16"x20") of a thoroughbred horse farm is worked in long stitch. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #99 Sep-Oct 1990 (v.17#3) pg. 4, 34, 35
"Desert Cactus" picture in needlepoint (9"x13") features a panel of bargello on one end, a panel with a blooming cactus on the other and a band of suede, ribbon and beads separating the two sections. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #99 Sep-Oct 1990 (v.17#3) pg. 8
"Elusive Cottontail. Circular picture (11" diameter) of a rabbit in a bush. NEEDLEPOINT PLUS #99 Sep-Oct 1990 (v.17#3) pg. 18, Cover
Two quick needlepoint pictures, (1) arrows, and (2) lightning. WOMAN'S DAY Apr 24 1978 (v.41#9) pg. 37, 241
Tulip picture and "frame" to work in needlepoint on plastic canvas. WORKBASKET Mar 1986 (v.51#5) pg. 52
Picture of a covered bridge in an autumn setting to needlepoint on plastic canvas. WORKBASKET Aug-Sep 1991 (v.56#6) pg. 32