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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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A homemade airborne dust-removal system for the woodworking shop consists of two floor fans, simple plywood cabinet, and furnace filters.
AMERICAN WOODTURNER Jun 1992 (v.7#2) pg. 28
Added Info AMERICAN WOODTURNER Sep 1992 (v.7#3) pg. 32

Shop-built air-filtration system. Plywood box equipped with a blower, a motor and two air filters removes airborne dust by recirculating shop air.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #14 May-Jun 1990 pg. 29
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #15 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 4
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #16 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 5
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #18 Jan-Feb 1991 pg. 4

Tip on using an automotive air filter to trap super-fine airborne dust.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #51 Apr 1996 pg. 24

Dealing with sawdust in the workshop. A look at shop vacuums, masks and helmets, dust collectors and ambient air cleaners.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #58 Apr 1997 pg. 72
Correction AMERICAN WOODWORKER #60 Aug 1997 pg. 14

Colored wool streamers at exhaust end of shop air cleaner indicate when filter needs to be cleaned.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #66 Jun 1998 pg. 32

Air scrubber trio. Three shop-made machines that clean the air. (1) A between-the-joists unit with one blower. (2) A hanging unit with double blowers. (3) A benchtop unit with one blower. All three are basically plywood boxes equipped with blowers and filters.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #80 Jun 2000 pg. 42

Modify a vacuum wand to help clean the pleated cloth filters on an air filter.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #89 Oct 2001 pg. 20

Dust alert. Solutions for controlling wood dust in your shop. Includes plans for a shop-built ambient air filter.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Dec 2000-Jan 2001 (v.24#3) pg. 37, 42

High-efficiency air cleaners for forced-air heating systems.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1987 (v.10#12) pg. 28

A dust-collecting system that can be built using a scrap blower motor assembly from a forced-air gas furnace. Est. cost: $30.
CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1992 (v.39#3) pg. 24

How to make a lightweight, portable dust collector that has a lot of pickup. Bathroom fan unit is used for the power unit.
CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1993 (v.40#2) pg. 76

Tips on installing a Sears Kenmore electronic furnace filter.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #222 Oct 1981 (v.31#8) pg. 10

Tip suggests using an old rectangular box fan and furnace filter for a temporary workshop dust collector.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #343 Nov-Dec 1993 (v.43#10) pg. 6

Tip on washing electronic air filters.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #347 Apr 1994 (v.44#4) pg. 10

Buying a furnace filter. Four varieties compared.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #382 Oct 1997 (v.47#9) pg. 92

Electronic air cleaners. Furnace-mounted units that will scrub a houseful of air. How they work, cost of operation, etc.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #63 Oct-Nov 1990 pg. 58

Tip on using a furnace filter and a room fan to help clear the air of sawdust.
FINE WOODWORKING #81 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 14

Remove sawdust from your workshop air by combining a squirrel-cage fan with some furnace filters.
FINE WOODWORKING #84 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 16

Controlling wood dust. Four shop-built devices use cabinets, filters and vacuums for collection. (1) Chip collector cabinet for a portable planer. (2) Air-filtration box. (3) Collection box replaces a conventional drum to facilitate clean out. (4) Mobile stand with intake hood moves from job to job.
FINE WOODWORKING #106 May-Jun 1994 pg. 44
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #108 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 11

A comparison of three filter systems for a forced-air heating system: medium-efficiency pleated fabric filters, permanent electrostatic filters, and electronic air filters. Other tips to control dust and improve air quality also noted.
HARROWSMITH #87 Sep-Oct 1989 (v.14#3) pg. 108

The clean green machine. Using household plants to fight indoor air pollution. (1) Circulate indoor air through a solarium filled with some of the best plants to filter air. (2) Build a plant-charcoal air filter.
HOME MECHANIX #727 Nov 1988 (v.84) pg. 56
Added Info HOME MECHANIX #734 Jun 1989 (v.85) pg. 8
Added Info HOME MECHANIX #735 Jul 1989 (v.85) pg. 8

A review of various home electrostatic precipitators.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #525 Feb 1972 (v.68) pg. 66

A test of small air cleaners. Results of testing 20 different models, including negative-ion generators.
NEW SHELTER Jul-Aug 1982 (v.3#6) pg. 48

Electronic, high-voltage air cleaner attracts and holds dust particles, smoke, etc., in the air.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1970 (v.32#6) pg. 31

How to install an electronic air cleaner as a part of your existing furnace and a look at what the air cleaner will do for you.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1973 (v.139#3) pg. 146

Installing a supplementary air filter on a forced-air heating or air-conditioning system. This article focuses on modifying the cold-air return duct to make room for either an electronic or media-type filter.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1994 (v.171#6) pg. 86

Tips on choosing electrostatic air cleaners for your home heating plant.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1968 (v.193#2) pg. 152

Electronic air cleaners: What can they do for you?
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1972 (v.201#3) pg. 58

A review of high-efficiency furnace or air conditioning filters that trap more dirt. These are non-electronic filters that may only need replacing every 15 months.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1976 (v.209#4) pg. 118

Dust busting. How to control wood dust (airborne sawdust) in a workshop to help prevent health problems.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Nov-Dec 1990 (v.5#8) pg. 14

A plywood box equipped with a furnace filter is hooked up to a sawdust collector and helps filter dust out of the air.
SHOPNOTES #20 Mar 1995 (v.4) pg. 29

Roll-around sanding table and air filter system. This shop-built sanding table pulls in the dust that is produced when sanding. It doubles as an air filter for your shop when not used for sanding. It is equipped with three furnace filters and a squirrel cage blower to pull the air through the filters.
SHOPNOTES #24 Nov 1995 (v.4) pg. 4

Air-filtration cabinet for a woodworking shop. Cabinet (21"x24"x31" high) has a hinged top surface that can serve as an outfeed table. Blower assembly draws air in through a pleated air filter.
WOOD MAGAZINE #55 Oct 1992 (v.9#7) pg. 48
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #60 Apr 1993 (v.10#3) pg. 9

Wall-mounted squirrel-cage furnace fan and in-the-wall air filter create a practical dust control, air cleaner system. ADDED INFO: 09301994.20 p9 ADDED INFO: 09301994.60 p4
WOOD MAGAZINE #63 Sep 1993 (v.10#6) pg. 10
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #68 Feb 1994 (v.11#2) pg. 9
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #73 Oct 1994 (v.11#7) pg. 4

Wood dust and you. Some advice on avoiding and/or controlling airborne dust.
WOOD MAGAZINE #78 Apr 1995 (v.12#3) pg. 4

Air-filtration systems. A comparison test and buyer's guide to five commercially available units ($219-$309).
WOOD MAGAZINE #83 Nov 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 48

Suspending a workshop air filter system from hooks in joists using rubber vacuum cleaner belts dampens noise and vibration.
WOOD MAGAZINE #101 Dec 1997 (v.14#8) pg. 32

Whole-shop air-cleaning system. Combine a squirrel-cage furnace blower with some ductwork and air filters to remove airborne wood dust.
WOOD MAGAZINE #120 Winter 1999 (v.16#9) pg. 70
Correction WOOD MAGAZINE #125 Jul-Aug 2000 (v.17#5) pg. 10
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #135 Sep 2001 (v.18#6) pg. 12

Dust munchers. A test of six air-filtration systems for the workshop.
WOOD MAGAZINE #139 Feb 2002 (v.19#1) pg. 76

Clearing the air. Two inexpensive solutions to clear the air of sawdust in your shop. (1) Heavy-duty shop filter incorporates a squirrel cage blower and pleated furnace filters. (2) Small-area shop filter uses two bathroom exhaust fans and pleated furnace filters.
WOODSMITH #95 Oct 1994 (v.16) pg. 22

Tip on improving the efficiency of airborne sawdust filtering devices used in workshops.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1998 (v.22#2) pg. 8

How to install an electronic air filter in a forced air furnace.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1977 (v.33#2) pg. 84