A look at nine of the most common models of pliers and what job each is intended for. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Oct 1976 (v.54#10) pg. 86
Box-joint pliers are carved from a single piece of wood. BOYS' LIFE Jan 2003 (v.93#1) pg. 32
Box jointed pair of pliers. Three operating pairs of wooden pliers are joined together and carved from a single piece of wood. Includes instructions on how to fabricate an ultra-thin blade to cut the hinges without cracking or splitting the wood. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1994 (v.41#3) pg. 47
Five types of pliers and how to choose the right one for the job. FAMILY HANDYMAN #89 Dec 1965 (v.15#6) pg. 38
Discussion of the various styles and uses of pliers. FAMILY HANDYMAN #98 Jun 1967 (v.17#3) pg. 34
A look at various kinds of pliers and how to choose the right one for a job. FAMILY HANDYMAN #174 Aug 1976 (v.26#6) pg. 46
Tips on using pliers and other wrenches correctly. FAMILY HANDYMAN #201 Sep 1979 (v.29#7) pg. 90
Tip on renewing worn teeth on pliers, vise jaws, pipe wrench, etc. FAMILY HANDYMAN #290 Jul-Aug 1988 (v.38#6) pg. 96
Tip: A rubber band turns pliers into a "third hand". FAMILY HANDYMAN #304 Jan 1990 (v.40#1) pg. 88
Use soft rubber or plastic tubing to convert ordinary pliers into self-opening pliers. FAMILY HANDYMAN #349 Jun 1994 (v.44#6) pg. 80
Selecting pliers for home tasks. Some tips. HOME MECHANIX #706 Feb 1987 (v.83) pg. 36
Maintenance tips for pliers and wrenches. HOME MECHANIX #711 Jul 1987 (v.83) pg. 20
Tip on using an adhesive bandage to keep plier teeth from damaging a finished surface. HOMEOWNER Dec 1990 (v.15#10) pg. 60
A look at the basic pliers and cutters you need for cutting, clamping and twisting. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #4 Winter 1976 (v.1#4) pg. 22
The selection and use of pliers. Includes a transparency master illustrating 10 styles of pliers. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Oct 1979 (v.68#7) pg. 12
Saddle-mounted leather case for fence pliers. LEATHER CRAFTERS & SADDLERS JOURNAL May-Jun 1999 (v.9#3) pg. 34
Leather pouch for pliers which hangs on a belt. LEATHER CRAFTERS JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1991 (v.1#1) pg. 59, Insert
How to make a reverse-force attachment for "Vise-Grip" pliers that will allow you to push things apart and keep them that way as long as you want. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #591 Aug 1977 (v.73) pg. 126
A review of the various types of pliers of interest to the do-it-yourselfer. NEW SHELTER Nov-Dec 1981 (v.2#9) pg. 14
Workshop minicourse. Slip-joint pliers have many versatile uses. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1978 (v.150#3) pg. 210
Make these 4 tools for your shop. Metalworking skills required to fabricate the tools. (1) Push-apart pliers. (2) Shop anvil. (3) Round-stock cutter. (4) Offset hammer. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1984 (v.161#5) pg. 100
Tip: Weld an eyebolt ring to self-locking pliers. When attached to a rope, the pliers can be used to lift and pull objects from a distance. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1985 (v.162#9) pg. 166
Pliers. A guide to selecting and using general purpose and special purpose pliers. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1989 (v.166#9) pg. 71
Buyer's guide to tools. POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1964 (v.184#1) pg. 168
Things to know about plier type tools for auto work. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1964 (v.185#1) pg. 80
Guide to pliers and cutters. Many styles pictured and their use is described. POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1978 (v.213#4) pg. 144
Vise squad. What is available in special purpose "Vise-Grip" locking pliers that have been modified to handle a specific job. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1989 (v.234#6) pg. 134
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1989 (v.235#6) pg. 12
Tip on using a plastic bandage to prevent marring when using pliers on polished tubing, wood turnings, etc. POPULAR WOODWORKING #81 Nov 1994 (v.14#3) pg. 10
Third hand made from a pair of vise grip pliers, some scrap steel and a threaded rod. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1993 (v.42#1) pg. 60
Wall-hung organizer holds six pair of pliers. WOOD MAGAZINE #49 Jan 1992 (v.9#1) pg. 20
Coating grip ends of clamps, pliers, etc. with plastic dip protects wood. WOOD MAGAZINE #61 Jun 1993 (v.10#4) pg. 14
Tip on using ordinary pliers and rubber bands as a light-duty clamp. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1990 (v.14#6) pg. 74
All about pliers. Different styles are illustrated. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1969 (v.25#2) pg. 24
All about pliers. A look at the various types and the jobs each will perform. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1974 (v.30#2) pg. 48
Tip on using shrink tubing to cushion the jaws of pliers, tweezers, clamps, etc. WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1994 (v.50#5) pg. 22