Added Info HOME MECHANIX #730 Feb 1989 (v.85) pg. 4
Tips on using sandblasting to create designs in solid pieces of stone such as marble or granite.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1987 (v.41#6) pg. 68
Sandblasted stone jewelry. How to embellish basalt or agate pebbles with patterns carved into the surface using a sandblaster. Part 1. Sandblasting the stone.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1998 (v.52#2) pg. 318
Sandblasted stone jewelry. Part 2. Setting the stone in a bezel.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1998 (v.52#3) pg. 70
Sandblasting small tools to remove rust. Tips on using the bench-top sandblaster manufactured by Abbey Materials.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #642 Nov 1981 (v.77) pg. 116
Restoration of a North Carolina "catslide" house. Describes the removal of the paint from the heart pine siding by sandblasting.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Feb 1978 (v.6#2) pg. 15
Tips on using sandblasting to remove paint from cedar shake siding.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov 1980 (v.8#11) pg. 176
The curse of sandblasting. Why sand and waterblasting should NOT be used to clean old brick and mortar.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan 1981 (v.9#1) pg. 2
Gentle blasting. New techniques using lower pressure and softer abrasives are a safer alternative for cleaning and paint removal from metal, masonry and wooden surfaces.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1996 (v.24#4) pg. 46
Make your own sandblasting outfit.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1963 (v.120#4) pg. 191
Sandblaster to clean sparkplugs. Est. cost: $1.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1969 (v.195#3) pg. 146
Air power. What is available in air-powered tools and compressors for do-it-yourselfers. How to modify existing air tools and make accessories to do new jobs. Includes instructions for making a simple sand blaster cabinet for cleaning and etching small parts.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1988 (v.233#1) pg. 68, 72
Added Info POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1988 (v.233#4) pg. 6
Sandblasting nozzle is assembled from standard fittings.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #164 Mar 1990 (v.14#8) pg. 37
Tip on keeping the window on a sandblasting cabinet clear (unfogged) during use.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #176 Mar 1991 (v.15#8) pg. 30
Dust trap for a cabinet-style bead blaster.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #187 Feb 1992 (v.16#7) pg. 28
Extension tip for suction-type sandblaster will facilitate reaching into corners.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #189 Apr 1992 (v.16#9) pg. 31
Restoration road. Part 9. Sandblasting techniques and building your own blasting cabinet from a 55-gallon steel drum.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #254 Sep 1997 (v.22#2) pg. 15
Bead blasting bag made from a metal basement window, sheet metal grating, canvas and work gloves. Est. cost: $25.
SPORT AVIATION Feb 1990 (v.39#2) pg. 91
General advice on selecting an abrasive for "sandblasting".
SPORT AVIATION Aug 1996 (v.45#8) pg. 106
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Dec 1996 (v.45#12) pg. 107
Tip on sandblasting concrete blocks to achieve an interesting texture.
SUNSET Nov 1978 (v.161#5) pg. 121
Sandblasting. An introduction to the use of sandblasting to create images on wood, glass, metal, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #34 Apr 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 34
Table of abrasive to use when sandblasting glass, wood, or brass.
WOOD MAGAZINE #71 Aug 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 18
Sandblasting cabinet is built from plywood, sets on a bench top for use, and features two large viewing windows, built-in sand hopper, etc.
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1987 (v.43#5) pg. 88
Added Info WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1988 (v.44#2) pg. 76