Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #35 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 8
How to sharpen a veneer saw.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #68 Oct 1998 pg. 84
Tips on sharpening a hatchet (ax), pocket knife, and tree saw.
BOYS' LIFE Apr 1985 (v.75#4) pg. 46
A general look at the use and maintenance of different types of handsaws. Covers crosscut saw, rip saw, frame saw, bow saw, pad saw, flooring saw, and log saw.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1981 (v.4#4) pg. 19
Tip: How to make a replacement "runner" for a hand saw setter.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Feb 1987 (v.10#5) pg. 12
Sharpening hand saws. Includes information on jointing the blade, setting the teeth, and filing the teeth.
COUNTRYSIDE Jan 1978 (v.62#1) pg. 36
Sharpening a crosscut saw.
COUNTRYSIDE Aug 1982 (v.66#8) pg. 21
Tip: New crosscut saws should be sharpened before use.
FINE WOODWORKING #11 Summer 1978 pg. 17
Sharpening handsaws. The principles, procedures, and gadgets you need to buy or make.
FINE WOODWORKING #22 May-Jun 1980 pg. 62
Handsaw-sharpening stand clamps the blade securely along its entire length while you file.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 18
Build this simple saw vise to stiffen a handsaw blade for sharpening.
FINE WOODWORKING #49 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 8
Sharpening handsaws. Covers both ripsaws and crosscut saws. Advice on troubleshooting a saw.
FINE WOODWORKING #68 Jan-Feb 1988 pg. 72
Tips on sharpening the crosscut saw or bucksaw used for cutting firewood or logs.
FINE WOODWORKING #76 May-Jun 1989 pg. 20
Tips on sharpening handsaws in the 18 t.p.i. to 22 t.p.i. range.
FINE WOODWORKING #103 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 28
Shop-built vise supports almost the entire length of a handsaw during sharpening.
FINE WOODWORKING #105 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 16
Sharpening handsaws by hand.
FINE WOODWORKING #125 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 44
Handsaws. A guide to sharpening, care and use.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #658 Mar 1983 (v.79) pg. 51
How to file a crosscut saw. Covers cleaning, straightening, jointing, raker fitting and repairing and setting teeth.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #60 Nov-Dec 1979 pg. 140
Handsaw jointer for evening up the points of a saw.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1967 (v.128#4) pg. 171
Saw sharpening tricks and techniques. Covers handsaws, circular saws, and chain saws.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1977 (v.147#6) pg. 116
Tip: Blacken the teeth of saws with candle smoke before you start filing. Then you can tell where you have stopped.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1980 (v.153#2) pg. 65
Use your jigsaw to sharpen saw blades by equipping it with a three-square file in place of the normal blade. How to make your own file is illustrated.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1980 (v.153#4) pg. 60
How to sharpen everything. Part 2. Saws of all kinds.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1964 (v.185#3) pg. 144
Sharp teeth bite best. Advice on sharpening and jointing hand saws.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #60 May 1991 (v.10#6) pg. 16
Maintain your handsaws like a pro using these saw-sharpening instructions.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #92 Sep 1996 (v.16#4) pg. 58
How to sharpen a saw.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Aug 1964 (v.35#8) pg. 64
Tips on sharpening circular saws and handsaws.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Fall 1981 pg. 18
Sharpening hand saws. Make a saw vise and do the jointing, setting and filing by hand.
SHOPNOTES #4 Jul 1992 (v.1) pg. 12
How to sharpen your own hand saws. Some advice.
WOOD MAGAZINE #120 Winter 1999 (v.16#9) pg. 12
Keeping a cutting edge. Part 1. Handsaws. Tips from veteran boatbuilder and tool sharpener Harold "Dynamite" Payson.
WOODENBOAT #47 Jul_Aug 1982 pg. 91
A maintenance guide for Japanese handsaws.
WOODWORK #23 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 60
Sharpening up. How to sharpen plane irons and gouges. How to sharpen handsaws, including tips on setting, topping and shaping the teeth.
WOODWORKER #1011 Feb 1978 (v.82) pg. 74
The craftsman in his workshop. Part 1. How to keep handsaws sharp and sure.
WOODWORKER #1063 Jun 1982 (v.86) pg. 386
Tip: How to clean up, cut new teeth, and sharpen an old handsaw.
WOODWORKER #1075 Jun 1983 (v.87) pg. 373
Sawing from scratch. Make 4 useful items for every woodworker's kit. (1) Bow saw. (2) Bench-hook. (3) Saw horse. (4) Adjustable mount for a metal saw vise.
WOODWORKER #1090 Sep 1984 (v.88) pg. 581
Tips on sharpening handsaws (including a tenon saw with very small teeth).
WOODWORKER #1113 Aug 1986 (v.90#8) pg. 675
Treatment for ailing handsaws in this step-by-step guide to sharp teeth with long life. Topics covered include: Making a saw vice, choosing a file, topping, shaping, setting, sharpening, angles, etc.
WOODWORKER Sep 1987 (v.91#9) pg. 779
Added Info WOODWORKER Jan 1988 (v.92#1) pg. 99
Added Info WOODWORKER Mar 1988 (v.92#3) pg. 288
How to sharpen a double-handled crosscut log saw.
WOODWORKER Nov 1988 (v.92#11) pg. 1031
Tip on modifying a triangular file so that new tooth profiles can be cut into a hand saw.
WOODWORKER Aug 1993 (v.97#8) pg. 28
How to hand-sharpen saws.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1965 (v.21#4) pg. 28
Sharpening your own saw blades saves time and money. Covers crosscut saws (handsaws) and circular saw blades.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1979 (v.35#4) pg. 64