How to inlay silver into wood using the silver amalgam that dentists use to fill teeth. FINE WOODWORKING #40 May-Jun 1983 pg. 14
Tips on working with nickel silver to make jewelry and mounts for gemstones. GEMS & MINERALS #487 May 1978 pg. 42
An elegant use for silver scraps. How to inlay silver scraps in wooden objects. Procedure for the inlay is shown. GEMS & MINERALS #499 May 1979 pg. 44
Designing from scratch. Part 12. How to make jewelry from the bowl, shank and handle of sterling silver spoons. GEMS & MINERALS #500 Jun 1979 pg. 44
Mosaic inlay with broken stone. Two methods for inserting the adhesive and stones in silverwork. GEMS & MINERALS #503 Sep 1979 pg. 43
How to make jewelry from nickel silver. Includes instructions for making a ring and a pendant. GEMS & MINERALS #511 May 1980 pg. 54
Fabricating with gold and silver look-alikes. GEMS & MINERALS #515 Sep 1980 pg. 4
New horizons for jewelry makers. A look at substitutes for gold and silver and how to work with them. GEMS & MINERALS #515 Sep 1980 pg. 62
How to work with nickel silver. GEMS & MINERALS #515 Sep 1980 pg. 70
How to inlay silver into stone. GEMS & MINERALS #515 Sep 1980 pg. 96
Tip: How to make your own bezel cups in calibrated sizes from nickel silver. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #519 Jan 1981 pg. 40
Applying antique finishes to gold, silver, and copper jewelry. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #523 May 1981 pg. 6
Soldering in plaster. A jewelry makers technique for holding small pieces of silver in place while being soldered together. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #525 Jul 1981 pg. 82
Silver is back. What types are available, working hints and how to get the most for your money. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #531 Jan 1982 pg. 11
A weigh-out article. Looks at which scales to buy and how to use them when weighing precious metals like gold and silver. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #532 Feb 1982 pg. 40
How to stretch your silver dollars. Tips on designing jewelry which require less precious metal. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #547 May 1983 pg. 10
Bringing down gold and silver prices. Tips for metalsmiths which will help reduce the cost of working in precious metals. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #550 Aug 1983 pg. 10
Fusion jewelry. Putting scraps of silver and gold to work by forming them into pendants using fusion techniques. A small gemstone is added as a highlight. May also be used to make bolas, bracelet, pins, etc. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #553 Nov 1983 pg. 24
How to alloy low cost gold and silver. Part 1. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #557 Mar 1984 pg. 20
How to alloy low cost gold and silver. Part 2. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #558 Apr 1984 pg. 50
How to alloy low cost gold and silver. Part 3. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #559 May 1984 pg. 36
Robert Koeppler's artistry in silver. A master designer shares some of his working techniques. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #565 Nov 1984 pg. 17
The wonderful world of freehand tweezer soldering. How to use soldering tweezers when fabricating gold and silver jewelry. Part 1. General concepts and tips on the differences between gold and silver which affect their handling while being soldered. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #567 Jan 1985 pg. 62
Tip: Use "sculptor's thumbs" as sanding tools in lapidary and silversmithing. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #568 Feb-Mar 1985 pg. 33
The wonderful world of freehand tweezer soldering. Part 2. Mechanics of tweezer soldering. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #568 Feb-Mar 1985 pg. 34
The wonderful world of freehand tweezer soldering. Part 3. The process and a look at some specific approaches to special problems. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #569 Apr 1985 pg. 40
Positioning with stitches. A professional jewelry soldering technique. Stitches are small, sharp tines of silver which are made with a graver. They serve as a "stop" to position other silver pieces for subsequent soldering. JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #572 Jul 1985 pg. 47
Silversmithing and casting techniques for making jewelry. How-to instructions for a smithed necklace and cast rings, bracelets, necklace and belt buckle. LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Fall-Winter 1978 (v.9#1) pg. 86, 114
Silversmithing, as taught at Eastern Federation's Wildacres Workshop in Little Switzerland, NC during the summers of 1976 and 1977. Describes projects and techniques for the novice silversmith. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1978 (v.32#1) pg. 176
A look at the carved scenes and designs done by Bertalee Reece. Includes a description of the steps involved in carving the scenes in wax prior to casting. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1979 (v.33#8) pg. 1708
Fire assaying techniques for home use. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1981 (v.35#7) pg. 1538
New impressions for an old technique. How to use "Playdough" to make molds for casting silver. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1984 (v.37#10) pg. 1448
Tip: Use bee's wax as lubricant when cutting silver. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1986 (v.39#10) pg. 70
Tip: Solution of baking soda will treat burns from a silversmithing pickle pot. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1986 (v.39#12) pg. 16
Tip: Use aluminum-colored epoxy cement for channel inlay in silver jewelry. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1986 (v.39#12) pg. 16
Tip: Use industrial tin/silver to solder silver leaves over cabochons. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1986 (v.40#2) pg. 15
Tip: Use stainless steel solder for jewelry instead of silver solder. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1986 (v.40#4) pg. 13
How to vary the finished appearance of silver jewelry. Techniques for "dark" color, green patina, and steel blue. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1987 (v.41#2) pg. 62
Custom alloys. Tips on making your own gold and silver alloys for special jewelry projects. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1988 (v.42#2) pg. 53
Basic hand tools for a home silversmith's bench are listed. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1988 (v.42#7) pg. 84
Tip on antiquing silver jewelry by exposure to liver of sulphur. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1989 (v.42#12) pg. 69
Make your own pitch bowl for silversmithing from a discarded hubcap. Used for chasing metal. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1989 (v.42#12) pg. 69
Silver granulation. How to make silver granules (small spheres) and how to fuse them onto a silver base. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1990 (v.43#10) pg. 92
Tip on using a mechanical drafting pencil to grip small metal beads for soldering. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1990 (v.43#10) pg. 97
Easy filigree. A simple method for using very thin silver wire to decorate jewelry with "flower filigree" (leaves made from twisted wire and decorative flat wire). LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1990 (v.43#11) pg. 101
Shop safety. An extensive listing of the hazardous tools and chemicals in the workshop and the precautions to take when working with them. Safety information for small shops with applications in gold- and silversmithing, jewelry manufacturing, lapidary work, etc. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Apr 1990 (v.44#1) pg. 113
Easy way to try silver casting by making a mold from the bone-like shell of a cuttlefish. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 84
Reticulation. Description of a simple technique in which heat is the main element in creating a rippled texture on a sheet of metal (consisting of 800 parts silver and 200 parts copper). LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1990 (v.44#5) pg. 98
Fire scale. How to avoid (or properly use) fire scale on sterling silver surfaces. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1990 (v.44#6) pg. 89
Tip on protecting flat silver from scratches while cutting to shape. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1990 (v.44#8) pg. 106
Shoestring shop. Advice on acquiring the basic tools to begin silversmithing. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jul 1991 (v.45#4) pg. 73
Making a jig for unwinding silver wire used in filigree once it has been flattened and lengthened by using a draw plate. LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1994 (v.48#2) pg. 101
Tip on fusing leftover pieces of silver sheet metal, wire, shot, etc. into interesting arrangements. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1994 (v.48#6) pg. 108
Tip on making your own silver chasing tools from small cold chisels or steel bars. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1994 (v.48#9) pg. 105
Tip suggests a way to store dissolved liver-of-sulphur so it remains stable throughout many uses for oxidizing silver. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1996 (v.49#11) pg. 118
Water casting with silver. An experimental silver casting project that creates free-formed shapes. Beginner metalsmithing project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1996 (v.50#8) pg. 77
Let it snow. Six-pointed snowflake design cut from sheet silver. A beginner metalsmith project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1997 (v.50#10) pg. 97
Using your scrap silver. Drop casting and fusing techniques to form unique shapes. Beginner-to-intermediate silversmithing project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1998 (v.51#11) pg. 86
Forming a sphere from sheet silver. An intermediate-to-advanced metalsmithing project. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1998 (v.52#3) pg. 51
Can you make that in gold? Understanding and coping with the differences in working with silver and gold. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Sep 1999 (v.53#6) pg. 23
A silver primer. A overview of the availability, cost and properties of silver materials used in jewelry making. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1999 (v.53#8) pg. 22
Try sandstone silver casting. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #75 May-Jun 1982 pg. 80