Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1980 (v.17#6) pg. 6
Armillary sphere to make for the back yard is made from sheet metal rings and brass lamp parts. Can be used as a sundial.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1970 (v.134#1) pg. 175
Accurate polar sundial is built from scrap wood and sheet metal.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1980 (v.153#5) pg. 130
An attractive outdoor cooking grill. Circular firepit is 3-ft. in diameter and surrounded with a brick ring 5 ft. in diameter. An added feature of elegance is a giant sun dial which covers the pit to keep out rain, etc.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1966 (v.188#6) pg. 132
Sun clock tells time right to the minute by means of an analemma.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1972 (v.201#1) pg. 100
Equitorial sundial built from plywood and Plexiglas. Adjusts easily to compensate for seasonal errors.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1972 (v.201#4) pg. 109
Sundial in the shape of an armillary sphere is built entirely of plywood. Winning design in plywood project contest.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1980 (v.217#2) pg. 100
Sundial indicates standard clock time and is made of cardboard and wood.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1964 (v.210#3) pg. 136
Portable sundial made of cardboard.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1966 (v.214#5) pg. 130
Sundial design which tells clock time and daylight saving time. Features an adjustable dial. The time, as indicated by the shadow of the gnomon, can be advanced or retarded by rotating the dial.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Nov 1967 (v.217#5) pg. 138
Design for an unusual, easy-to-read, analemmic sundial. Read in either universal time or local apparent time.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1980 (v.243#6) pg. 231
Description of a sundial that tells standard time. Includes general information on the necessary formulas to calculate the equation of time for each day of a typical year and transfer this information to a sundial scale.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1982 (v.64#1) pg. 86
Astronomical computing. Sundials on walls. Computer program, written in BASIC, assists in the design of vertical sundials.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1987 (v.74#6) pg. 646
Ultraviolet sundial will tell you the amount of UV-B radiation reaching the ground compared with that for the Sun at the zenith.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1994 (v.88#1) pg. 94
A precision sundial of bronze has a polar axis much like that of a German-equatorial telescope mounting. Shows standard time to the nearest minute with none of the mental corrections that often must be applied to sundial readings.
SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1994 (v.88#6) pg. 88
Vikings and polarization sundials. Build a sundial from plastic drain pipe which makes use of sunlight's polarization rather than the orientation of a gnomon shadow.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1997 (v.93#5) pg. 91
Classic wooden octagonal pedestal (30" high) can be used outdoors for a sundial stand or indoors for displaying art or a plant.
WOOD MAGAZINE #52 Jun 1992 (v.9#4) pg. 54
How to make a working sundial totally out of wood.
WOODTURNING #72 Feb 1999 pg. 41
Correction WOODTURNING #75 May 1999 pg. 5
Portable sundial tells time from the height of the sun above the horizon and not from its direction. This reproduction of a Middle Ages timepiece is also called a Shepherd's Dial, Pillar Dial, Traveller's Dial or Cylinder Dial. Requires careful wood turning.
WOODWORKER Oct 1988 (v.92#10) pg. 852
Rotating equatorial sundial of 7" diameter made of 3/16" aluminum.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1965 (v.21#4) pg. 16
Two sundials. One made from metal and the other from wood.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1979 (v.35#4) pg. 34
Correction WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1979 (v.35#6) pg. 10
Make a wooden sundial in one of four styles. (1) Horizontal. (2) Vertical. (3) Polar. (4) Armillary.
WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1982 (v.38#4) pg. 49
Sundial with a curved gnomon lets sunlight pass through cutout numbers on the gnomon. The time is thus projected as an actual number on the base of the sundial.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1986 (v.42#3) pg. 78