What to do if your tractor engine seems to be using a lot of oil. Tips on primary trouble spots to check. COUNTRYSIDE Oct 1978 (v.62#10) pg. 36
Maintaining, cleaning and operating a homestead tractor, plus a 10-point spring tractor tune-up. COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1981 (v.65#4) pg. 23, 26
Ten factors which help determine used farm equipment prices. COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1981 (v.65#4) pg. 29
Maintaining your tractor for efficiency and longer lifespan. Some tips. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Feb 1985 (v.69#2) pg. 54
Kicking tires on small farm tractors. Advice on selecting the right one for your application. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1990 (v.74#6) pg. 28
Tips on preparing a tractor for winter storage. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1992 (v.76#5) pg. 49
How to make a three-point hitch for a tractor. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1993 (v.77#6) pg. 78
Tip on repairing a tractor tire with a piece of hammermill belt. COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1996 (v.80#3) pg. 49
The mechanized yardsman. A look at various pieces of mechanized yard equipment (mowers, tractors, tillers, trimmers, and blowers) and how much you can save with their use. FAMILY HANDYMAN #218 Apr 1981 (v.31#4) pg. 63
Make wheel weights for a garden tractor by filling used brake drums with concrete. FAMILY HANDYMAN #266 Feb 1986 (v.36#2) pg. 104
Things to look for when shopping for a garden tractor, a guide to useful attachments, and tips on proper maintenance. FLOWER & GARDEN Mar 1979 (v.23#3) pg. 47
A use test of the Bolens G174 diesel garden tractor. FLOWER & GARDEN Mar 1980 (v.24#3) pg. 37
Use test of the Dixon ZTR (zero turning radius) model 308 garden tractor. FLOWER & GARDEN Apr 1980 (v.24#4) pg. 10
The affordable dream. Advice on buying a used tractor. HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #127 Apr 1996 (v.20) pg. 67
How to match outdoor power equipment to your needs. Tips on choosing the right tractor or mower to do the jobs you actually need to do. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #1 Spring 1976 (v.1#1) pg. 8
Off-season maintenance of lawn and garden equipment, including snowthrower, tiller, mower, tractor. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #3 Fall 1976 (v.1#3) pg. 106
How to tune up a garden tractor. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Mar-Apr 1979 (v.4#2) pg. 71
Tip: How to inflate a tubeless tire on a garden tractor. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Nov-Dec 1980 (v.5#6) pg. 25
Lawn and garden tractors. Points to consider when buying one and a chart that lists major models and their features. HORTICULTURE Apr 1994 (v.72#4) pg. 70
Lawn and garden tractors. A look at the range of machines available, their intended uses and capabilities. HORTICULTURE Mar 1996 (v.74#3) pg. 58
A look at today's diesel mini-tractors and what they can do. Includes a comparison chart on four models. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #56 Mar-Apr 1979 pg. 66
A look at what's available in mid-sized diesel tractors. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #57 May-Jun 1979 pg. 124
A look at the Quadractor, a lightweight tractor for the small farmer that has unique manuverability and can pull 8 times its own weight. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #58 Jul-Aug 1979 pg. 46
How to choose a new garden tractor. A comparison of several in the 10 to 20 horsepower range. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #58 Jul-Aug 1979 pg. 112
A Super-duper pooper mover. A small drag mounted on a long arm and attached to a tractor is used to move manure and compost. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #68 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 56
How to choose a tractor for the small farm. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #68 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 138
Mini-tractor. Part 1. Build your own 17-hp tractor with stepped-down gearing and short wheelbase. Frame and front axle assembly featured in this installment. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #76 Jul-Aug 1982 pg. 122
Mini-tractor. Part 2. Sheet metal work, controls, dashboard, etc. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #77 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 170
Mini-tractor. Part 3. The three-point hitch and hydraulic system. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #78 Nov-Dec 1982 pg. 172
A homemade rear-mounted scraper blade for your garden tractor. The blade can be tilted and locked in two directions, plus raised and lowered. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #84 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 158
Choosing and using a tractor. Part 1. Basics on how a tractor works and checkpoints for examining a used tractor. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #96 Nov-Dec 1985 pg. 80
Choosing and using a tractor. Part 2. A look at some of the implements and attachments that may be needed, advice on operating safety and a guide to maintenance, repairs and troubleshooting. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #97 Jan-Feb 1986 pg. 84
Added Info MOTHER EARTH NEWS #99 May-Jun 1986 pg. 126
Tip on supporting a power take-off drive shaft when not in use. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #121 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 14
Finding and evaluating a used farm tractor. How to determine your needs and details on how to inspect an old tractor and its engine. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #144 Jun-Jul 1994 pg. 34
Choice and care of garden tractors for the small country place. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #154 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 56
Power gardening. A guide to walking tractors, tillers, shredder-grinders and field mowers. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #160 Feb-Mar 1997 pg. 58
A look at the maintenance of pre-World War II John Deere two-cylinder tractors. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1977 (v.24#8) pg. 76
Tip: Make a steel T-bar wheel lock for a garden tractor. ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1980 (v.27#12) pg. 19
A gardener's guide to power mowers and garden tractors. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1988 (v.35#3) pg. 60
How to buy and/or repair used power garden equipment (tractors, tillers, riding mowers, chipper-shredders and walk-behind mowers). ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1991 (v.38#8) pg. 65
A buyer's guide to lawn and garden tractors. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1996 (v.43#3) pg. 4A
Organic Gardening buyer's guide to power tools for lawn and garden. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1997 (v.44#3) pg. 3A (44+)
A review of midsize tractors for gardeners. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1997 (v.44#4) pg. 68
How to build a hydraulic lift for a garden tractor. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1970 (v.133#6) pg. 172
A garden tractor you can build from a kit, the Struck Turf-Rider. Est. cost: $600 for 12 hp, $850 for 16 hp. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1973 (v.140#2) pg. 142
Easy-to-make plywood cab for a large garden tractor equipped with snowblower or snowplow. Keeps you warm and dry during the winter. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1980 (v.153#2) pg. 76
Fork lift for a garden tractor. Capable of lifting 250 lbs. The unit is elevated with a hand-operated boat winch. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1969 (v.194#6) pg. 136
A review of available attachments for lawn and garden tractors. POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1976 (v.208#1) pg. 104
Troubleshooting your garden tractor after a winters disuse. POPULAR SCIENCE May 1977 (v.210#5) pg. 140
Tip: Make a gasoline gauge for a lawn tractor. A cork rides up a metal rod. The rod and cork are inserted into tank when filling up the tank. POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1980 (v.216#4) pg. 154
Build a canopy for a garden tractor from metal conduit and canvas. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1982 (v.221#2) pg. 110
Easily mounted hood for a garden tractor keeps you warm and dry during winter snowthrowing or plowing. Build from 2.5 sheets of waferboard. Winner in PS/APA contest. POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1985 (v.227#2) pg. 88