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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to test the pH factor of water.
BOYS' LIFE Sep 1973 (v.63#9) pg. 45

How to purify water from rivers, streams and lakes.
BOYS' LIFE Jun 1992 (v.82#6) pg. 7

Preventing interior water damage. Tips on installing plumbing to avoid leaks, building floors to contain leaks, shower curtains, etc.
COST CUTS Sep 1988 (v.5#8) pg. 4

Acid rain and your antenna. How to reduce the "wet antenna syndrome" which causes a change in the tuner settings of wire antennas. How to perform an analysis of rain water and make a "raincoat" for end insulators from 2-liter plastic bottles.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Feb 1995 (v.51#2) pg. 13

Bottled water: Fads and facts. When and how to purchase bottled water. Includes a glossary of water terms.
GARBAGE Jan-Feb 1990 (v.2#1) pg. 46

How safe is the water your family drinks? Three experts share tips on what you can do to ensure healthy water.
HOME MECHANIX #706 Feb 1987 (v.83) pg. 60

Portable, battery-powered Apple computer is used to monitor water quality. Hardware and software techniques described.
KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #56 Aug 1981 (v.5#8) pg. 90

An electronic salt meter checks food and water for salt content. Est. cost: $30.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1974 (v.6#4) pg. 33

How to keep your drinking water safe. How to tell if you have a problem and tests to perform to determine the nature of the contaminate.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1975 (v.143#3) pg. 108

Build a portable water tester, an electrical conductivity gauge that responds to the number of ions in the water sample.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1970 (v.197#3) pg. 127

Automatic water sampler takes samples from a predetermined depth of a lake, river or ocean. Built from simple plumbing and hardware items.
POPULAR SCIENCE Aug 1972 (v.201#2) pg. 112

How you can grow your own polywater for experiments. Polywater is an offspring of normal water with dramatically different physical and chemical properties.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1973 (v.202#6) pg. 105

Troubled water. Feature articles look at water pollution problems. Includes advice on testing your own water and a review of ten under-the-sink water-filtering systems.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Jan 1987 (v.2#1) pg. 27
Added Info PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER May-Jun 1987 (v.2#5) pg. 8, 9

How a laser beam and a photocell are used to measure the dirt content of water.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1973 (v.228#6) pg. 112

How to form water into sheets and bells with knives, spoons and other objects.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1979 (v.241#2) pg. 188

The amateur scientist. How to detect microgram quantities of metals in air, liquids and solids. Includes plans for a ring oven to do chemical-spot testing. Used in monitoring for pollution.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1981 (v.244#2) pg. 168

Experiments investigate what happens when water boils. Looks at heat transfer, stages of boiling, bubbles, water flow, etc.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1982 (v.247#6) pg. 162

The amateur scientist. Experiments to study the behavior of water as a drop "meanders" down a windowpane. Includes a homemade apparatus for studying the flow of water down a slope.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Sep 1985 (v.253#3) pg. 138

A study of icicles reveals the physics involved in freezing of water.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN May 1988 (v.258#5) pg. 114

Capturing the three phases of water in one bottle. Construct a "triple-point cell" which will hold water within 0.0001 degree C of that unique temperature at which water can exist with its solid, liquid and gas phases all in equilibrium. Est. cost: $50
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Feb 1999 (v.280#2) pg. 98