Three useful additions to the work bench. (1) Bench hook for sawing. (2) Shooting board for planing. (3) Shooting board for angle planing. AMERICAN WOODWORKER Sep 1985 (v.1#3) pg. 16
Planing small stock and tapers by hand using a bench hook. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jul-Aug 1996 (v.19#10) pg. 13
Improved bench hook is used when relief carving. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1996 (v.43#3) pg. 55
Use V-shaped holding blocks to clamp each end of a board when planing the edges. FAMILY HANDYMAN #266 Feb 1986 (v.36#2) pg. 104
Wedge-shaped vise (bench hook) holds stock up to 2" thick. Good for use at a house construction site when planing the edges of boards. FINE HOMEBUILDING #33 Jun-Jul 1986 pg. 16
Simple bench hook for making square cuts using a handsaw. FINE HOMEBUILDING #112 Oct-Nov 1997 pg. 34
Removable bench clamp allows items longer than the top of your workbench to be clamped. It works in conjunction with bench dogs or the built-in tail vise. FINE WOODWORKING #9 Winter 1977 pg. 17
Tips for holding molding pieces at the edge of a workbench so they can be worked with a plane. FINE WOODWORKING #19 Nov-Dec 1979 pg. 29
Steel roofing square (carpenters square) makes into an excellent bench hold-down and glass cutting aid. FINE WOODWORKING #24 Sep-Oct 1980 pg. 18
Self-locking bench dog facilitates clamping large pieces of wood to a bench top when using a "horizontal bench vise". FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 12
Tip: Use a nubby rubber doormat to hold small parts while power-sanding. FINE WOODWORKING #58 May-Jun 1986 pg. 12
Tip: Foam carpet underlay will provide a slip-proof cushion when belt sanding. FINE WOODWORKING #68 Jan-Feb 1988 pg. 10
Shooting board which doubles as a bench hook facilitates the making of perfect miter joints using a hand plane and handsaw. FINE WOODWORKING #106 May-Jun 1994 pg. 72
Bench hook holds a wide work piece for planing or sanding. HOME MECHANIX #690 Oct 1985 (v.81) pg. 16
Pattern for a bench hook which holds small pieces of wood while carving, chiseling, etc. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1978 (v.9#1) pg. 31
Bench hook for use when planning thin plywood or for holding thin plastic sheets. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1978 (v.9#2) pg. 32
Deluxe bench hook features 2 working levels, a dowel sanding and cutting block, holes for storing dowels, and random spaced holes used with dowels for clamping irregular shaped work. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1976 (v.145#2) pg. 117
Simple bench hook for holding work and protecting the workbench top when cutting, sawing, chiseling, etc. POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1976 (v.145#4) pg. 202
Bench hook (for surface planing and sawing) and shooting board (for planing ends and edges). Included in article on stock preparation using only hand tools. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1989 (v.166#11) pg. 80
Improved bench hook serves as a mini-miter box and a sanding block for flat sanding. POPULAR WOODWORKING #52 Jan 1990 (v.9#4) pg. 10
Bench hook idea features an undercut to better grip round or thin stock. POPULAR WOODWORKING #86 Sep 1995 (v.15#2) pg. 6
Tip on attaching a planing block (V-block) to a bench top so that it does not rise up under the pressure of planing. POPULAR WOODWORKING #86 Sep 1995 (v.15#2) pg. 6
Essential jigs. Simple bench top accessories to make joinery more exact. (1) Sawing jigs (bench hook, miter box, side guide for making angled cuts like those required by dovetails). (2) Planing aids (shooting board with wedges for trimming compound miters, miter jack, and donkey's ear shooting board). (3) Chisel miter guide. (4) Hand brace and bit boring guide. POPULAR WOODWORKING #89 Mar 1996 (v.16#1) pg. 20
A pair of matched bench hooks can support long work and aid detail work. POPULAR WOODWORKING #111 Nov 1999 (v.19#5) pg. 22
Making and using a model maker's bench hook which incorporates a simple wedge clamp and miniature shooting board. SCALE WOODCRAFT #4 Spring 1986 pg. 16
Tip: Used sanding belts, attached to workbench, help hold small work pieces for sanding or planing. WOOD MAGAZINE #15 Feb 1987 (v.4#1) pg. 12
Bench hook securely holds stock for relief carving. WOOD MAGAZINE #26 Dec 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 16
Cleat table. A carving plate (a bench stop or hook with notched cleats on two sides) is designed to protect a table or bench from damage while doing woodcarving. WOODCARVING #40 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 64
Tip: Attach a piece of coarse sandpaper to your workbench to help hold large or awkward size boards when planing. WOODSMITH #23 Sep 1982 pg. 3
Bench hook for planing thin stock. WOODSMITH #38 Mar-Apr 1985 pg. 3
Simple jig to facilitate hand-planing to produce thin wooden stock (1/2" and under). WOODSMITH #44 Apr 1986 pg. 23
Adjustable bench hook. WOODWORK #15 May-Jun 1992 pg. 20
Improved bench hook features undercutting to avoid accumulation of saw dust. WOODWORK #41 Oct 1996 pg. 12
Cramping style. Part 6. Making an improved handscrew and a bench holdfast. WOODWORKER #1084 Mar 1984 (v.88) pg. 181
Added Info WOODWORKER #1098 May 1985 (v.89) pg. 400
Cramping style. Part 7. Suggestions for workholding devices. (1) Board planing grip. (2) Edge-planing grip. (3) Parallel leg vise. (4) Instant framing cramp. WOODWORKER #1085 Apr 1984 (v.88) pg. 248
Sawing from scratch. Make 4 useful items for every woodworker's kit. (1) Bow saw. (2) Bench-hook. (3) Saw horse. (4) Adjustable mount for a metal saw vise. WOODWORKER #1090 Sep 1984 (v.88) pg. 581
Planing board. A simple jig holds thin strips securely while planing. WOODWORKER #1117 Dec 1986 (v.90#12) pg. 1065
An adaptation of the handscrew (clamp) holds a short thin piece securely in a bench vise while planing. WOODWORKER Sep 1988 (v.92#9) pg. 803
Jig for supporting the work piece while rebating, grooving, or molding small section items (such as picture frame components) WOODWORKER Jul 1990 (v.94#7) pg. 677
Simple modification for a bench-hook makes sawing at other than right angles much easier. WOODWORKER Sep 1990 (v.94#9) pg. 912
Special bench hook for hand planing thin strips of wood down to about 1/8" thickness. WOODWORKER Apr 1991 (v.95#4) pg. 398
Design for a sticking fence, the standard method of holding slender components for hand planing moldings, grooves and rebates. WOODWORKER Mar 1993 (v.97#3) pg. 78
Jigs and jee-jaws for the cabinetmaker. (1) Bench hook. (2) Shooting board. (3) Miter shooting board. (4) Miter trap. (5) Miter box. (6) Small router table. WOODWORKER Jun 1994 (v.98#6) pg. 69
The basics of using a tenon saw and dovetail saw with a bench hook. WOODWORKER Nov 1995 (v.99#11) pg. 36
The beginning woodworker. Bench hooks and shooting boards. How to make and use them. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1982 (v.6#3) pg. 18
Adaptation of a traditional bench hook is used when hand planing small boards. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1987 (v.11#4) pg. 53
Removable bench-top clamp is made from wood and holds one end of long, thin pieces of wood being worked. A "V" slot cut in the bench-top clamp holds wood securely. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 9