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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Heat guns, the tasks they can be used for and some cautions on their use.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #366 Mar 1996 (v.46#3) pg. 12

Twelve models of heat-gun paint removers are tested.
NEW SHELTER Apr 1986 (v.7#4) pg. 20

A guide to stripping paint with a heat gun.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov 1979 (v.7#11) pg. 126

Tip: How to use a heat gun, water-soluble stripper, hot water and TSP to remove paint from wood.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep 1982 (v.10#9) pg. 187

Tip: How to strip paint from surfaces which were originally shellacked or varnished. Requires a heat gun.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1983 (v.11#1) pg. 26

Tip: Add a high-intensity flood light to your heat gun to enable you to see the paint being removed.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jun 1984 (v.12#5) pg. 100

How to strip paint from ceiling beams using a heat plate and heat gun. Includes a tip for building a scaffolding with an armrest.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL May 1985 (v.13#4) pg. 78

Tips for heat stripping painted wood.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Dec 1985 (v.13#10) pg. 212B

Heat deflector, fabricated from scrap aluminum and wood, keeps heat from a heat gun off glass when stripping muntins or removing hardened putty.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jun 1986 (v.14#5) pg. 248
Added Info OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1986 (v.14#6) pg. 296

Stripping paint from windows without breaking the glass. Covers dry scraping, chemical and heat gun methods.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1989 (v.17#5) pg. 39

Workshop minicourse. Using a heat gun. Some tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1985 (v.162#2) pg. 38

Uses for heat lamp include thawing pipes, softening putty, softening plastics, removing tile, etc. Purchase a commercial unit or make one from a quartz movie light.
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1971 (v.198#3) pg. 120

Tip: Use an old electric iron to remove paint. The heat softens the paint for scraping.
SUNSET Nov 1981 (v.167#5) pg. 186

Heat guns. A guide to their selection and use.
WORKBENCH Feb-Mar 1991 (v.47#1) pg. 66
Added Info WORKBENCH Jun-Jul 1991 (v.47#3) pg. 6