Brass-pinned butt joint. Use partially countersunk flat-head brass screws to reinforce butt joints and then sand them down flush with the wood to remove the screw slot. Especially decorative when used on dark wood. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Nov 1994 (v.18#2) pg. 6
Tip on using the bolted butt joint for tables, benches, ... where strength is essential. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1995 (v.18#7) pg. 7
Mastering the art of wood joinery. Part 1. Butt joints, mortise-and-tenon joints and dados. FAMILY HANDYMAN #89 Dec 1965 (v.15#6) pg. 52
Tip: Use plastic tape to prevent glue from sticking to surface of boards being butt joined. FAMILY HANDYMAN #233 Nov 1982 (v.32#9) pg. 98
Basic woodworking joints. Butt, rabbet, dado, dowel, and drawbolt joints. FAMILY HANDYMAN #288 Apr 1988 (v.38#4) pg. 96
Tip: Use a wood dowel to provide good gripping power when screwing into end grain (such as when butt-joining wood using woodscrews). FINE HOMEBUILDING #30 Dec 1985-Jan 1986 pg. 10
Tip: Use thin wooden wedges to fill butt joints that are going to be painted. FINE HOMEBUILDING #49 Oct-Nov 1988 pg. 28
45-degree bevel is used to join shelves into L-shapes or U-shapes without the need for external cleats, dowels, etc. FINE HOMEBUILDING #60 Apr-May 1990 pg. 26
Easy stretcher-to-post joint uses butt-joint held together by two bolts engaging captured nuts. FINE WOODWORKING #29 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 10
Easy wood joints and how to make them without power tools. Covers butt joints, miter joints, lap joints, rabbet joints, dados, and mortise-and-tenon joints. HANDY ANDY Nov 1978 (v.3#2) pg. 69
How to use concealed "tee-nuts" to make very secure butt joints. May be used with both permanent or knockdown construction. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #661 Jun 1983 (v.79) pg. 127
Twenty eight ways to make strong wood joints. Includes the following styles of joints: lap, tenon, dowel, butt, dovetail, glue-block, splined, rabbet, and cogged. Several versions of each may be illustrated. POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1974 (v.142#2) pg. 130
How to master the art of fine joinery. Part 1. Butt joints, rabbets and dadoes. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1981 (v.156#5) pg. 118
"Invisible" butt joint used to join plywood in boatbuilding. SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #48 Apr-May 1986 pg. 90
"Hide-a-butt" joint treatment uses double-ended scarfed pieces, glued and fastened, that effectively transform two planks into one. WOODENBOAT #69 Mar-Apr 1986 pg. 98
Scarfs and butts. Building long boats with short plywood. Three methods to join plywood panels to make them longer. WOODENBOAT #86 Jan-Feb 1989 pg. 109
Correction WOODENBOAT #87 Mar-Apr 1989 pg. 11
Undercutting rails lets you get a tight joint line when you butt one piece into another. WOODSMITH #66 Dec 1989 pg. 11
How to make the slotted-screw joint, comprising hidden screws driven into keyhole slots. Used to butt join two boards together. WOODWORKER #1044 Nov 1980 (v.84) pg. 733
Modified butt joint is reinforced with a dowel and the dowel is concealed with a patch made from the wood being joined. WOODWORKER Apr 1988 (v.92#4) pg. 324
Technique for joining two sections of wooden handrail using a bolt and dowels. WOODWORKER Feb 1989 (v.93#2) pg. 145
How to fabricate the simple butt joint which relies on modern fasteners and glues for strength. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1977 (v.1#5) pg. 2
Tip: Reinforce butt joints with splines installed on the ends of the panels. WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1985 (v.41#2) pg. 31