The finishing room. Some key elements to consider. Looks at ventilation, air filters and other considerations necessary when working with slow drying wood finishes (varnish, polyurethane, etc.). AMERICAN WOODWORKER Spring 1986 (v.2#1) pg. 52
A tale of two finishes. Shellac and varnish. A fresh look at traditional finishing materials. AMERICAN WOODWORKER Nov-Dec 1989 (v.5#6) pg. 36
An explanation of the differences in varnish will aid in selecting a "rubbing" varnish. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #20 May-Jun 1991 pg. 8
How to prepare oily woods (cocobolo, teak, rosewood, ebony and cordia) to accept varnish or oil finishes. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #22 Sep-Oct 1991 pg. 6
How to avoid foaming (bubbles) when applying brushable water-based clear finishes. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #27 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 10
Lintungtane, an oil-varnish finish created by combining equal amounts of linseed oil, tung oil and polyurethane varnish. Advice on surface preparation and application. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #35 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 32
Brushing varnish. The low-tech way to a durable finish. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #43 Feb 1995 pg. 72
Waterlox wipe-on finishes, surface preparation and their application described. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #57 Feb 1997 pg. 78
Bar and countertop finishes. A look at the alternatives available, their durability, application and ease of repair. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #58 Apr 1997 pg. 82
All about varnish. Advice on choosing the right varnish, wood preparation, brush selection, application brushwork and rubbing out the finish. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #61 Oct 1997 pg. 52
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #63 Dec 1997 pg. 10
Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #64 Feb 1998 pg. 12
Tip on spraying varnish with an HVLP sprayer. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #64 Feb 1998 pg. 18
Preventing drip shadows on the end grain when finishing a large, flat surface. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #81 Aug 2000 pg. 90
Tip on using acetone for thinning oil-based varnish when spray painting. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #81 Aug 2000 pg. 92
Repair and revitalize minor damage in varnish, lacquer and shellac finishes. Some tips. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1989 (v.67#8) pg. 49
Tips on sanding, preping and varnishing teak wood. BOATING WORLD #151 Jul 1999 pg. 75
Bubbles and other troubles. Some tips for overcoming common problems when applying varnish with a brush. CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Mar 1999 (v.22#5) pg. 24
Added Info CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Jun 1999 (v.22#8) pg. 10
Varnishing act. Choosing the right type of varnish for the job. CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Feb 2002 (v.25#4) pg. 20
Let wood beauty shine through. Tips on finishing your woodworking projects with stains, varnishes or lacquers. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1982 (v.5#4) pg. 52
Finishing with traditional (alkyd) varnish has some advantages over urethane. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1987 (v.10#12) pg. 61
Water-based wood finishes (lacquers, varnishes, and urethanes). A user test of eight different brands. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Apr 1995 (v.18#7) pg. 41
Plastic varnishes. What they are and where they're used. FAMILY HANDYMAN #82 Oct 1964 (v.14#5) pg. 42
Tip: How to minimize maintenance on varnish or on clear plastic exterior wood finishes. FAMILY HANDYMAN #251 Sep 1984 (v.34#7) pg. 82
Reviving your home's natural varnished woodwork without stripping and refinishing. FAMILY HANDYMAN #304 Jan 1990 (v.40#1) pg. 39
Clear wood finishes. How one painter applies lacquer and varnish to interior woodwork and camouflages the nail holes. Emphasis is on spray painting, but brushing techniques are discussed. FINE HOMEBUILDING #48 Aug-Sep 1988 pg. 74
How to mix and apply an oil and varnish mixture finish to fine furniture. It produces a more durable finish than oil alone. FINE WOODWORKING #2 Spring 1976 pg. 46
Tip: How to keep varnish from penetrating the softwood face of a stringed instrument by applying skim milk prior to the application of the varnish. FINE WOODWORKING #17 Jul-Aug 1979 pg. 10
Finishing materials. An overview of the uses and properties of all major wood finishes, including shellac, lacquer, sanding sealers, drying oils, tung oil, varnishes of different types, and rubbing oils. FINE WOODWORKING #17 Jul-Aug 1979 pg. 72
To finish the finish. How to handrub varnish, lacquer, and shellac finishes to remove any traces of dust, lint, and brushmarks. FINE WOODWORKING #18 Sep-Oct 1979 pg. 75
Finishes made from mixtures of varnish and drying oils are reviewed. Also covers the use of tung oil. Describes those finishes which are safe for toys and food utensils. FINE WOODWORKING #19 Nov-Dec 1979 pg. 76
Tip: How to apply spar varnish, instead of polyurethane, in order to achieve a clean, flat surface. Requires three coats. FINE WOODWORKING #25 Nov-Dec 1980 pg. 36
Early varnishes. The 18th century search for the perfect film finish. FINE WOODWORKING #35 Jul-Aug 1982 pg. 54
Correction FINE WOODWORKING #36 Sep-Oct 1982 pg. 4
Outdoor wood finishes. Varnish is pretty, but paint's tougher. Importance of a water-repellent preservative noted. FINE WOODWORKING #42 Sep-Oct 1983 pg. 66
Tip: How to combine reactive and solvant-release finishes. For example, applying varnish over a sealer coat of shellac or lacquer. FINE WOODWORKING #45 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 16
Tips on repairing the gloss varnish of a mohogany-veneered cardtable without refinishing the whole top. FINE WOODWORKING #45 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 18
Varnish finish that's rubbed on. Sanding is the way to a glass-smooth surface when working with varnish. FINE WOODWORKING #45 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 39
Water-based varnishes. How they compare to the old favorites. FINE WOODWORKING #47 Jul-Aug 1984 pg. 65
Tips on adding color to tung-oil varnish. FINE WOODWORKING #49 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 14
How to restore an extremely degraded varnish which exhibits the yellowing, crazing, and film shrinkage that can occur with time. FINE WOODWORKING #49 Nov-Dec 1984 pg. 74
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #51 Mar-Apr 1985 pg. 6
Tip: Remove lacquer and varnish runs with a razor blade. FINE WOODWORKING #52 May-Jun 1985 pg. 10
An oil and varnish finish for walnut. FINE WOODWORKING #52 May-Jun 1985 pg. 53
Versatile varnish. A reliable finish for the small shop. Both brushing and spraying techniques are discussed. FINE WOODWORKING #77 Jul-Aug 1989 pg. 64
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #78 Sep-Oct 1989 pg. 8
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 4, 6
Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #80 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 8
Tip: Use points of thumbtacks to keep small objects from sticking to tabletop while being varnished. FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 22
Tip on applying the new spar varnishes (which contain less solvent) in a way that reduces the chance of bubbles or wrinkling. FINE WOODWORKING #87 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 26
Advice on applying a varnish/linseed oil finish for a large ash tabletop. FINE WOODWORKING #114 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 26
Making a case for varnish. The most beautiful and durable finish for fine furniture is applied with a brush. FINE WOODWORKING #117 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 52
Oil-and-varnish furniture finish that is durable and easy to apply. Takes advantage of the best of both finishes. Finished with a beeswax topcoat. FINE WOODWORKING #122 Jan-Feb 1997 pg. 48
Tips on restoring a badly alligatored varnish finish without stripping. FINE WOODWORKING #130 May-Jun 1998 pg. 100
Wiped-on varnish. How to achieve a traditional varnish finish with multiple, thin coats and lots of elbow grease for the final polish. FINE WOODWORKING #132 Sep-Oct 1998 pg. 40
Spraying on the cheap. How to combine an inexpensive internal-mix spray gun and a quick-dry varnish to get a perfect finish. FINE WOODWORKING #133 Nov-Dec 1998 pg. 140
Tip on the proper solvent for oil-based varnishes. FINE WOODWORKING #136 May-Jun 1999 pg. 92
How to refinish furniture. Part 2 of 3. Covers the finishing sequence (stain, sealer, filler, and top coat). Gives instructions on lacquer, varnish and shellac finishes. Includes polishing and French polish finishes. HANDY ANDY Apr 1980 (v.4#7) pg. 60
Tips on applying a durable varnish finish to a dining table. HOME FURNITURE #2 Spring 1995 pg. 14
Added Info HOME FURNITURE #4 Fall 1995 pg. 6
Applying a varnish finish. HOME MECHANIX #683 Mar 1985 (v.81) pg. 20
The finishing touch. Tips on applying a high-quality varnish finish to inexpensive pine furniture. HOME MECHANIX #717 Jan 1988 (v.84) pg. 10
Fine wood finishes. Five ways to give wood protection and a beautiful polish. Covers shellac, oil varnish, polyurethane varnish, oil finish, wax and wood stains. HOMEOWNER Nov 1988 (v.13#9) pg. 55
Tip: Seal pine knots with shellac before finishing with varnish. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Jul-Aug 1981 (v.6#4) pg. 14
How to work with synthetc varnishes. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #488 Jan 1969 (v.65) pg. 98
A look at the five basic types of wood furniture finishes: varnish, lacquer, wax, oils, and shellac. NEW SHELTER Mar 1981 (v.2#3) pg. 16
Refinishing furniture using the Stuhr Museum method. Works only with traditional varnish or shellac finishes. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Dec 1975 (v.3#12) pg. 2
Refinishing clinic. Final finishes on wood. Looks at varnish, lacquers, shellac, and oils. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Feb 1977 (v.5#2) pg. 22
Tip: What causes varnish to remain tacky and how to avoid or correct the problem. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Feb 1980 (v.8#2) pg. 18
Tips on painting or varnishing doors and windows. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Dec 1980 (v.8#12) pg. 201
Tip: Formula for cleaning varnished wood which has turned dark. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Aug 1981 (v.9#8) pg. 188
Tip: Achieve a matching patina on replacement wood in varnished pieces by the technique described. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Aug 1981 (v.9#8) pg. 190
Tip: Apply varnish to furniture using old nylon stockings rather than a brush. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1983 (v.11#1) pg. 26
Tip: Spar varnish, designed for marine use, looks like shellac but gives an extremely tough finish. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1986 (v.14#1) pg. 46
Tip: How to slow the drying time of varnish to eliminate lap marks when working on a large surface. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Apr 1986 (v.14#3) pg. 144
Tips on dealing with residual wax films from methylene chloride-based strippers when varnishing wood. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 16
Restoration materials of the 1990s. A guide to materials that are low in volatile organic compounds. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1989 (v.17#6) pg. 28
Workshop mini-course. Finishing with varnish. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1978 (v.149#2) pg. 134
Workshop minicourse. Tips on applying a shellac sealer and a varnish finish to wood. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1982 (v.157#3) pg. 150
Fantastic finishes. How to apply four of the most popular clear hardwood finishes (hand-rubbed oil, shellac, varnish, and lacquer). POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1985 (v.162#11) pg. 138
Tip: Place small varnished items on coarse (60-grit) sandpaper to dry. POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1986 (v.163#10) pg. 128
Varnish, the most useful clear finish for wood. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1966 (v.189#6) pg. 132
How to avoid "fisheyes" and rough places when applying stain, sealer, and a topcoating of varnish. POPULAR WOODWORKING #57 Nov 1990 (v.10#3) pg. 18
Tip on applying a high quality varnish finish to a pine table top. POPULAR WOODWORKING #76 Jan 1994 (v.13#4) pg. 13
Tip on using thinned varnish as the first coat to improve penetration and sealing. POPULAR WOODWORKING #81 Nov 1994 (v.14#3) pg. 10
Varnish. Tips on selection and application. SHOPNOTES #23 Sep 1995 (v.4) pg. 26
Tip: Cheesecloth does a better job of applying varnish than using a brush. SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #53 Feb-Mar 1987 pg. 88
Varnishing secrets. The work is in the preparation. Emphasis is on varnishing wooden boats. SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #60 Apr-May 1988 pg. 41
Added Info SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #62 Aug-Sep 1988 pg. 7
Tips on applying boat varnish to achieve a professional-looking finish. SMALL BOAT JOURNAL #69 Oct-Nov 1989 pg. 54
Supply varnish to your brush from a pump-type oil can connected with a vinyl tube. SPORT AVIATION Aug 1989 (v.38#8) pg. 92
How to apply a spar varnish finish. WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #51 May 1996 (v.9#3) pg. 29
Tip suggests how to store varnish to extend its shelf life. WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #52 Jul 1996 (v.9#4) pg. 5
The traditional Amana Colonies (Iowa) finish. Norm Schanz shares his time-proven techniques for varnishing wood. WOOD MAGAZINE #19 Oct 1987 (v.4#5) pg. 70
Advice on applying a high-quality tung oil spar varnish as the final finish on wood furniture. WOOD MAGAZINE #37 Sep 1990 (v.7#5) pg. 14
How to achieve a satin finish by first using gloss varnish for all undercoats. WOOD MAGAZINE #51 Apr 1992 (v.9#3) pg. 18
California furniture designer-craftsman shares his formula for a linseed-turpentine-varnish furniture finish, along with details on surface preparation and finish application. WOOD MAGAZINE #54 Sep 1992 (v.9#6) pg. 48
Added Info WOOD MAGAZINE #59 Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 8
Tip on adding thinner to varnish to eliminate the air bubbles which form when the finish is brushed on. WOOD MAGAZINE #131 Mar 2001 (v.18#2) pg. 26
Bring a satin sheen to an old, dulled surface by applying an oil-varnish blend right over the existing finish. It's compatible with virtually all furniture finishes. WOOD MAGAZINE #136 Oct 2001 (v.18#7) pg. 18
Hot-weather varnishing. How to varnish a boat during hot and humid weather. Tips on stripping, priming, sanding, brushing technique, types of varnish, etc. WOODENBOAT #76 May-Jun 1987 pg. 22
The art of brightwork, Part 3. A professional's approach to finish application. WOODENBOAT #83 Jul-Aug 1988 pg. 66
The pros and cons of two-part varnishes for boats. WOODENBOAT #117 Mar-Apr 1994 pg. 44
Added Info WOODENBOAT #119 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 8
How not to varnish. Dispelling the myths about boat varnishing. WOODENBOAT #135 Mar-Apr 1997 pg. 59
Added Info WOODENBOAT #137 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 9
Added Info WOODENBOAT #138 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 9
Tips to keep varnish from gelling or skinning over in a can. WOODSMITH #43 Jan-Feb 1986 pg. 3
Varnish: A durable finish with a traditional look. What is available and how to apply varnish to get the finish you want. WOODSMITH #43 Jan-Feb 1986 pg. 20, 22
Finishing techniques when making reproductions of antiques. The process of "aging" a project involves distressing, coloring (staining), and final finishing with varnish. WOODSMITH #55 Feb 1988 pg. 20
Varnishing. Built-up layers protect the wood and highlight the grain. Description of a few simple steps. WOODSMITH #97 Feb 1995 (v.17) pg. 24
Film finishes and how they cure. Looks at shellac, lacquer, varnish, polyurethane, and waterborne finishes. WOODWORK #8 Winter 1990 pg. 80
Understanding the relationship between solvents, the weather, and finishes can help overcome many common finish failures when working with lacquer, shellac, varnish, and water-borne finishes. WOODWORK #9 Spring 1991 pg. 45
Wipe-on finishes revisited. A look at straight oil, varnish thinned with paint thinner, and oil-and-varnish blends. Advice on selection, application, safety, etc. WOODWORK #34 Aug 1995 pg. 53
The professional method for applying exterior varnish is listed. WOODWORKER #1098 May 1985 (v.89) pg. 327
Using Danish oil and wet-and-dry paper to achieve a smooth finish on wood. Use as a final finish or as an undercoat for varnish. WOODWORKER Apr 1988 (v.92#4) pg. 324
Final touches. Round up of what's available in furniture finishes. Looks at oil polishing, wax polishing, french polishing, spray finishing and varnish. WOODWORKER May 1989 (v.93#5) pg. 448
Tips on achieving a deep-gloss finish on small wooden toys by dipping them in varnish, instead of brushing. WOODWORKER Aug 1989 (v.93#8) pg. 735
Tip: How to avoid getting bubbles in a finish coat of varnish by warming the varnish. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1977 (v.1#5) pg. 15
Tips on applying varnish finishes and the proper techniques for "rubbing down" between coats. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1982 (v.6#1) pg. 5
Tip: Rest freshly varnished boards on the tips of nails while drying. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1982 (v.6#6) pg. 50
Tips on selecting clear finishes (lacquer, polyurethane, penetrating oil, shellac, varnish, and sanding sealer). WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1983 (v.7#1) pg. 18
Tips on applying a clear finish (lacquer, polyurethane, penetrating oil, shellac, varnish and sanding sealer) using a brush. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1983 (v.7#2) pg. 18
Four shop made oil and varnish finishes. How to mix them and apply them. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1988 (v.12#1) pg. 23
Tabletop (or bar top) finishes. An overview on the selection and use of four different finishes (oil-based varnish, oil-based polyurethane, water-based polyurethane, epoxy). WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1991 (v.15#2) pg. 30
Near-perfect wood finishing. Part 3. Brushing a fine finish. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1996 (v.20#1) pg. 12
The joys and sorrows of water-based "varnishes". WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1996 (v.20#1) pg. 16
Beyond shellac. There is more to finishing than French polishing and more to French polishing than shellac. An introduction to fine finishing techniques. Looks at French polish, varnish, lacquer, oil, and waxes. WOODWORKING INTERNATIONAL #18 Aug-Sep 1990 pg. 23
How to select and apply a specific varnish. WORKBENCH Jul-Aug 1970 (v.26#4) pg. 50
A look at sealers, shellac, varnish, primer-sealer, sanding sealer and lacquer. WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1972 (v.28#6) pg. 50
A look at a new type of varnish that absorbs ultraviolet rays and therefore stands up well out of doors. WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1973 (v.29#5) pg. 22
Tips on sanding between coats of lacquer, varnish and polyurethane finishes. WORKBENCH Dec 1991-Jan 1992 (v.47#6) pg. 18
How to get outstanding results with brush-on varnish or polyurethane. WORKBENCH Feb-Mar 1993 (v.49#1) pg. 16